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Steve Grimmett's Grim Reaper


NA-  Mark Pullin - drums
2013-  Ian Nash - guitars
2016-  Martin Trail - bass
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2006-2022  Steve Grimmett - vocals
2010-2016  Chaz Grimaldi - bass
2013-2015  Mark Rumble - drums
2015-NA  Paul White - drums
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2006-2008  Richard Walker - bass
2006-2010  Pete Newdeck - drums
2006-2013  Ian Nash - guitars
2010-2013  Mark Rumble - drums
2014  Nick Bowcott - guitars
› 2016  -//-
2019  Chaz Grimaldi - vocals
2022  Olof Wikstrand - vocals
2022  Harry Conklin - vocals

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I've had just about enough of these once-great NWOBHM bands wheeling out from the crypt to cast a pall on their own legacies. Bootless, biteless, baseless, and, most importantly, Bowcott-less, vocalist Steve Grimmett's self-titled incarnation of 1980s giant Grim Reaper supposedly brings an old warhorse back from the dead, but the only soul this band is capable of reaping is its own.
Review by ScreamingSteelUS ››

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