Metal Storm logo

5 fans
Also known as Ringare, Ringar

Country: USA
Label: Avantgarde Music
Links: Bandcamp

Formed in: 2004
Broke up: 2004-2018

2004-Atmospheric black metal
Bandcamp music player


2004-  Esoterica - all instruments
2018-  Likpredikaren - vocals
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2004  Anomalous - vocals
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Latest reviews

I'm starting to think Ringarë might be becoming its actual thing instead of being just pre-Chaos Moon material.
Review by RaduP ››
If you are a frequent visitor around these premises, you probably have noticed this lad's adoration of Alex Poole, a very busy and talented musician involved in many projects such as Krieg, Skáphe, Entheogen and Guðveiki, to name a few. Of all his bands, it's Chaos Moon that clicks with me the most, especially the first couple of albums, so the release of material that has been exhumed from that era is pretty exciting news to my ears.
Review by nikarg ››

Bandcamp player