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Solitary Sabred


2000-  Spartacus - guitars
2007-2012  Asgardlord - vocals, bass
› 2012-  -//- vocals
2012-  George "Stainlesz" - bass
2013-  Sprits - guitars
2018-  Fotis Mountouris - drums
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2000-2004  Andros Ioannou - drums
› 2007-2008  -//-
2000-2012  Joshua Ioannou - bass
2008-2011  Achilleas Vasdekis - drums
2011-2018  Antreas Tapa - drums
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Latest reviews

One pretty strong heavy metal release last year came from Cyprus, but it unfortunately went fairly unnoticed. I wouldn't want to let another one have the same fate so, four months after its release, let me present to you Solitary Sabred's By Fire & Brimstone. Better late than never, eh?
Review by nikarg ››