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2013-  Thomas Michiels - bass, vocals
2013-  Peter Le Page - drums
2013-  Stefan de Graef - guitars, vocals
2018-2019  Dieter Vaganée - saxophone
2019-  Harm Peters - drums
2019  Sander Rom - bass, vocals
2018  Sam Coussens - choir vocals
2018  Mattias Van Hulle - percussion
2018  Dieter Vaganée - saxophone
2018  Sander Rom - choir vocals
2018  Cédric Peeters - choir vocals
2018  Tim Van Eyken - choir vocals
2018  Bram Lobbestael - didgeridoo, throat singing
2018  Victor Jacobs - percussion
2018  Chiaran Verheyden - synthesizers
2022  Colin H. Van Eeckhout - vocals
2022  Stefanie Mannaerts - vocals

Latest reviews

Back around the start of the pandemic, I came across an album that I immediately recognized would be in contention for my 2020 Album Of The Year, only to then find that it wasn’t a 2020 release. Second time around, there’s no such ambiguity; Psychonaut have put out one of the best metal albums of 2022.
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A progressive post-metal album released on Pelagic Records? If your mind instantly goes to The Ocean, you wouldn't be too wide of the mark, but Belgium's Psychonaut are far more than a mere imitation of the aforementioned German collective.
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