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2012-2014  Stuart West - guitars
› 2014-  -//- guitars, synthesizers
2017-2019  Tim HammerSmith - bass, drums
› 2019-  -//- guitars
2018-  Kat "Shevil" Gillham - vocals
2019-  Markus Ströhlein - drums
2020-  Uwe "Uuwwee" Void - bass
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2012-2016  Joe C. - drums
2012-2018  Steve Albino - vocals
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Latest reviews

Thronehammer is a doom metal band with members based in Germany and England. Despite having been formed by guitarist Stuart West in 2012, the band was really set in motion when multi-instrumentalist Tim Schmidt joined, and the charismatic Kat Shevil Gillham took on vocal duties. The band has been prolific lately, having released three albums in the last four years, and Kingslayer is their best work yet.
Review by nikarg ››


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