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Unleashed interview (11/2005)

With: Johnny [Bass, Vocals]
Conducted by: Herzebeth
Published: 09.11.2005

Band profile:


- Hello, I want first to thank you for your time, for allowing me to interview you and for giving your fans a chance to read a little more about Unleashed.

Thank you, the pleasure is mine.

- So, fifteen years of career and seven studio albums right? That's not an easy job to achieve at all, tell me, how you have managed to stay alive through the years and with that incredible response from your fans? Was it really hard for you or for the band at some point in your career?

Thank you, yeah we're up on 16 years now. So we've done all the ups and downs for sure, we took some time off during the down period of the late 90'ies which was a good decision after all; it got us a chance to come back with some new energy. I think that was the most difficult decision to make so far.

- There was actually a little lump in your trajectory, when Unleashed released in 2002 the album "Hell's Unleashed" many people (both press and fans) responded in a bad way towards this album, what do you think it happened back then? And how was the band reaction about this issue?

Well, on the other hand all our fans sing along with the songs we play from that album on the live set so I don't know. But yes, there was a bigger and better response for "Sworn Allegiance", so I guess "Hell's Unleashed" got a little less attention off course. But that's the name of the game, and you can't please everybody always?

"Sworn Allegiance"

- On the other hand, "Sworn Allegiance" was an amazing come back, the old fans were really pleased and Unleashed even made new fans, how did you came up with the structures and ideas of this particular album? And how was your reaction towards this incredibly good response?

It was probably our best album to date. Yes, we tried to become just a little bit more raw and brutal in every segment of our music and instruments. I think that shows on Sworn?The production is also a little bit better and that helps?

We are very happy with this off course.

- I recently saw your live performance in Mexico, I was amazed with the way you interact with the crowd, generally speaking, how does the people often react at your shows? You've played in big festivals like "Wacken" and "Rock Hard" Is there any really memorable concert that comes into your mind now?

Oh yes, thank you, the Mexican shows are always very special since we don't go there as often. Mexico was fantastic; the Mexican warriors were screaming along not only in the choruses but also the verses?fuckin' fantastic. What dedication!!!!

We've played many nice shows lately; the "Harvest Festival" tour in Europe for example was amazing, and the "With Full Force" show where we recorded our DVD and also the "Up From The Ground Festival" was fantastic.

- Let's talk about your early albums. In 1992 Unleashed released a record that now is considered a "Cult" album, I'm of course talking about "Shadows in the Deep" one of the most influential and important albums in Death Metal history; what does this album means to you and to the band?

It sure means a lot since it's one of the albums that allowed us to tour more extensively. We still play many of the songs from that album live and always will do, these were good times but I still think we have the best albums ahead of us?you just wait 'til the new album comes out next year!!!

- Back in the early days, every album Unleashed released was heavier and stronger than the last one, how did that progression came out? What was the actual background about this advancement; was it a natural evolution or was it something deeper?

Yes we have to develop as we go along. This is why I think Sworn Allegiance is our heaviest album to date; we have gotten better at production the past years.
One wants to go forward in time rather than looking backwards.

- Most of your lyrical content is actually quite specific and particular, even though you approach many expressive themes, the Viking topic is always present, what does the warriors, the battles and the cold lands represent generally speaking and what do they mean to you?

They are symbolic for an ancient time in history, not forgotten, but still present today. We struggle with the same topics as the Vikings did a thousand years ago?surviving in an environment we may not be accepted in, trying to get by on a day to day basis, the battle of life.

The Viking gods are symbols we use for personal strength, nothing more, and nothing less.

- I want to ask something else, It's actually weird to see a band with few Line-Up changes, Unleashed managed to stay together with a small number of Line-Up changes and actually the original cast is still together, how was that possible? I mean after 15 years you actually still love your fellow band mates?

Haha well, love is a strong word?haha, yeah we only changed one band member in the year 1997?and we have been around for 16 years. Yes we are very proud of that, it makes it trustworthy in a way.

- One last question, in the really old days what influenced you to form a band and to write and play music, what was the main trigger that pushed you to do those things?

Society in general, and also the love for metal music generally speaking. We sure didn't want to start a poser band or some glam stuff, so Death Metal was the only possibility.

- Thank you very much for this interview and for your precious time, can you please add some extra lines or words for the metal-heads reading this interview?

Thank you for this interview Herzebeth!
Hail Odin!

Pictures taken from and

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