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8 fans
Also known as Caustic Visage (1987 - 1990), Anarchy Divine (1991 - 1994)

Country: USA
Label: Pure Steel Publishing / Pure Steel Records

Links: Facebook

Formed in: 1987
Hiatus: 1994-2000

1987-US power metal
1987-1990Thrash metal
1991-1994Progressive metal
2000-Heavy metal
Bandcamp music player


1987-  Paul Shigo - bass
1987-  Matt Ohnemus - drums
1987-  Dan Luna - guitars
2003-  Robert Hett - vocals
2022-  Nano Lugo - guitars
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2000-2002  Tim Shigo - vocals
2000-2007  Ernesto F. Martinez - guitars
2007-2008  Dave Watson - guitars
2008-NA  Burke Morris - guitars
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This is how heavy metal should be! Wild guitar solos, pure and unadulterated use of the double bass drums, and a guy screaming over the top of it all. This is Resistance from the United States and they are out to make an impression. This is modern heavy...
Review by Baz Anderson ››

Bandcamp player

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