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1996-  Bertrand Minary - drums
2003-2004  Tommy Boucherot - guitar, bass
› 2006-  -//- guitar
2004-  Sabrina Deniset - keyboards
2004-  Geoffrey Baumont - vocals, guitars
2006-  Jean Baptiste Chalmandrier - bass
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2004-2006  Carole Alcantara - vocals
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Aegirson? At first, a name like this evokes the Nordic myth, and not some kind of extraterrestrial entity, as badly pictured on the cover of this album. But let's not judge the book by its cover, and delve a bit into this band that seems full of...
Review by Darkside Momo ››
After two MCD , "Aegirson" come now with their first album, through Thundering Records, "Requiem Tenebrae". "Aegirson" is a real innovative band that uses to play a very good mix of Heavy, Death/Black, Gothic and Symphonic...
Review by Jeff ››


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