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Canaan - Blue Fire lyrics


01. The Eleventh Shadow

Music & lyrics by Canaan
After the torchlight red on our pale faces.
After the frosty silence of agony.
Prison and reverberation (of tears) over distant blood.
What is that sound low in the air (murmur) of maternal lamentation ?
Who are these hordes swarming over endless plains - ringed in fire ?
What is the city over the mountains dressed in violet air ?
Falling towers of CANAAN unreal.

02. Dreamsword

Music by Canaan

03. Thin Concentric Circles

Music & lyrics by Canaan
Concentric circles thin near the pentagrams to imprison Him.....
Black maculae on white skin !!

The endless and the magical, the liar and the gazing,
The power for centuries forgotten to reach...
The light of ending cosmogonies to open wide the gates
A passage to walk backwards.
The coffin and the blazing, the shroud and the chilling
He removes his cross, black claws devoure.... a frozen light.

Obliquus and rectus, imprisoned Dogma
The truth now to face.

04. Aranea Tedii

Music & lyrics by Canaan
This Ocean.... my bride

This Night..... my father

This Apathy... my son.

05. Incantesimo D'autunno

Music & lyrics by Canaan
Un lento fuoco malato consuma la mia Prigione di carne,
Ed un oscuro dolore attraversa il mio corpo come fiume in piena.
Sento che la strada 'egnata - conduce all'oblio:
Ai troni di fiamma ed alle urla di giada.

La lenta pira di speranze ormai appassite
Getta un'ombra spettrale sulla lama
Che paziente aspetta il mio braccio.
Non c'iu luce in questo
Terribile Inverno...

06. Temporal Statis

Music by Canaan

07. Noir (Your Coloured Soul)

Music & lyrics by Canaan
L'arcobaleno na lama nera
ed una carovana barcolla nei sogni di un viandante.

Behind this gate-cage crawl the faceless voyants
with dreams like a keyhole.

They know that the avenue of death is scattered with spots,
and their aimless caravan slowly drown in this seadesert.

This is Unsunland, where the Sleep is stonevagrant
where the Absence is a selfcurtain
where the Unmoon is a grey piece of china.

Iride bianca - vetro nero
Light has no horizon - black.,
Hong delight carrion of a kiss,
Pece - nera la neve Latte catrame.

The white iridescent eye is full of worms and luminescent promises
it has the conscience that this sky is the ground of the dead.
Wall horizon.

08. Doloris Charisma

Music & lyrics by Canaan
"To blindly believe Shall be the whole of your law"
"Love under the siege of faith"

Bowed before idols of dust:
breathe the air of submission !

For when Eternity expires
You'll stand before them Naked in your Sins.
Is this the reward for a life of adoration ?
The idols of lies need silent adorers.
Is this the price of your Countless humiliations ?
The idols of flesh need weak adorers.

Human garbage
Human ashes
Human pain
By gods of powder dismissed !

To obey is to suffer
To love is to conquer
To kill is to adore then.....

As wolves among sheeps we are hunting.

09. Moongod

Music by Canaan

10. Splendor's Bearer

Music & lyrics by Canaan
Pulsing with Splendor,
With Arthat at my side
And Amytaba at my back
And Akshobhya in my heart
I need no wings to fly high
Above the misty skies.

With nothing but my bare hands
I shape the dreams of thousands.

With Yataka at my side
And Sakys on my back
And Altan Kahna in my eyes
I crawl and yet disdain the perils.

With nothing but my bare hands, pulsing with Splendor...
I pulverize the columns of Sakyamune.

11. Orien

Music & lyrics by Canaan
Abbiamo aperto gli occhi
Su una solitudine dal volto di pietra
Calata sui nostri corpi
Come Sudario infuocato e Sindone insanguinata
A ricordo di immani crocefissioni.

Dal fondo di ricordi grigi e sbiaditi
La Regina Tristezza ha infranto i nostri sogni
Come specchi di luce.

Ed ora, respirando il sangue
Che sgorga dalle nostre ferite,
Affrontiamo il nostro peggior nemico: la Vita.

Dal nulla
Nel nulla
In eterno.

12. The Luminous Trinity

Music by Canaan

13. Our Little Hidden Treasures

Music & lyrics by Canaan
"I will make a hole in your head to chain you with the rope of love".

"Is this really all you have to offer ? A simple promise of suffering ?"

"Desire is the father of strength
Wrath is the mother of innocence
Power is the ultimate gift".

"Fear will be the end of your mirage".

"I have sealed the bound in fire; how could you escape this maternal care ?"

"I'm escaping your web like the sand flowing from your hands".

"I will bring you down with me ! my body - your prison...."

"Never - for I am the chosen one
The sculptor of all your defeats".

14. This Grey Enemy

Music by Canaan