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People you have influenced to get into metal?

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Posted by -Soulreaper-, 19.11.2008 - 19:30
I was just wondering if there is anyone in your life that you have inspired or influenced to get into metal? For example, I got my 13 year old brother into a few metal bands and now he can't get enough of it. I introduced bands like Amon Amarth, Tyr, Opeth, and Slayer. He had been listening to Iron Maiden, Metallica, Megadeth and a couple others before but I think I gave him the nudge he needed to get into a little heavier stuff. Also I got my wife into some more extreme bands like Burzum, Darkthrone, Bloodbath, Morbid Angel and others. Now she we will come home and I hear her blasting Cancer of the Soul or some other heavy stuff. Anyways, would like to hear you experiences.
06.01.2012 - 02:48
I make my best friends into rock music but no 1 of em are the searching type

even my younger bros hes not that type of metal fan

i think im lonely here ... i have no good effect on other people
06.01.2012 - 02:51
My kids
07.01.2012 - 22:00
I've gotten a bunch of people I know into metal.

Firstly, my uncle always liked classic metal, punk, rock, bands like motorhead etc. Lots of older music. I recently showed him Opeth, Blind Guardian, Heaven Shall Burn, Insomnium, etc and he was totally into it. Not a particularly far leap as he always tells me he likes the 'rawness' of certain music, so heavier metal suits that fine.

I had one friend who only listened to Iron Maiden, Slayer, Megadeath, etc. He used to listen to my music when he came over such as Lamb of God and would be like "EWWWWWWW THIS IS AWFUL" until about two years ago I hung out with him and I get "Guess what my favorite song is?" *passes me the headphones* *lord behold, Lamb of God - In Your Words is playing* and I was like "God damn. Never thought I'd see the day, ITS GOOD ISNT IT!?"

I had another who I barely even know what he listened to. I think it was things like Nickleback and a --very-- limited amount of classical metal. I met him in grade 10 guitar class and got to know him and a few other guys pretty well. I'd shown them all what I liked and wished I could play/sing like but it didnt seem to register any kind of positive feedback from them. Mostly 'meh' responses. We got assigned a project to research one of our favorite bands and a specific guitarist from the band, so I got to debating what to go with. I decided the majority of what I listened to (Lots and lots of death metal, melodeath, etc) was perhaps too 'extreme' for the class, so I settled with showing off Lamb of God

In the project we were to find two music videos for the band and show them to the class. I was kind of in an "I dont care what people think" mood when I was working on it, so I chose "As The Palaces Burn" to be the first video I was going to show. I read off some stuff about Mark Morton (guitarist from LoG) and then came to the video slide. As I was bringing it up on the projector I exclaimed loudly to the class "This is going to scare you" because I knew fully well they were all like "OMG JIMMY HENDRIX DA BEST GUITARIST WUT R METAL?". For anybody who has seen the video to As The Palaces Burn you will know that there is no type of slow intro or build up, the song just explodes.

The video came up as I told the class they would be scared and then the room got torn in two. All you could hear was "THE FIENDS HAVE GAGGED A GENERATION OF PACIFIED FOOLS. BOUND BY OUR GREED A NATION OF CORPORATE TOOLS" alongside some heavy guitar and drums blaring. Everyone in the class was like O_O except my friend in the back who looked rather content with the music. During the year I shared more and more of my music, and by the end of the semester we regularly chatted about music and other various things and he likes a whole bunch of stuff now like Opeth, Scar Symmetry, Oh,Sleeper, The Human Abstract, Insomnium, etc etc etc.

Last but not least, I will share my Metal with my kids (When/if I have any). They can like what they want I guess, but I think I'd be happiest if they appreciated metal...But I'd understand not liking your "dad's music" necessarily. I still have some time to consider whether I lock them in a room and blast metal until they surrender and like it or... Oh, whoops. Thought that was in my head.
27.06.2012 - 00:54
I just cant belive it but today i heard my 24 year old sister (who is a huge pop/hip-hop fan) listening to Lai Lai Hei and liked it pretty much she's using that song as alarm....and the other day i heard her listening to Pantera.....:)
27.06.2012 - 03:20
Account deleted
I got my sis into Motley Crue, and a friend of my mom's boyfriend into modern Accept.
27.06.2012 - 03:57
The best I've done was bring about metal phases in my younger brother and my childhood best friend. Too bad neither of them listen to metal anymore.
But right now, I'm in the process of "converting" a friend. And my younger cousin seems to have metal potential too. I don't see him often enough to influence him though. I just want to make sure he doesn't go down the path of metalcore... Maybe I'll drag him to a concert with me when he's older. I recently discovered that dragging people to metal shows can work pretty well for getting them into metal
08.09.2012 - 07:26
My older brother, poor bastard listened to rap.
17.09.2012 - 18:31
Written by Charly546 on 14.12.2008 at 13:48

This thread makes me ask 2 questions:
1) Why always extreme metal?
2) Am I the only one who finds the overall concept of "influencing your friends to get into metal" utterly disgusting?

1) Maybe most of the ones who happened to bump into this thread are Extreme Metal fans, and consequently have influenced others into that genre.

2) You spin an album by a band you love. Your friend is sitting there having never heard it before and he's immediately loving it too. He asks why the heck you didn't show him this earlier. Then he buys it for himself and gets into that band, genre or even Metal music as a whole. Later on he shows his girlfriend this music and she happens to love it too... How do you find that utterly disgusting?

No disrespect, just curious.
18.09.2012 - 14:54
Written by Patrick. on 17.09.2012 at 18:31

Written by Charly546 on 14.12.2008 at 13:48

This thread makes me ask 2 questions:
1) Why always extreme metal?
2) Am I the only one who finds the overall concept of "influencing your friends to get into metal" utterly disgusting?

1) Maybe most of the ones who happened to bump into this thread are Extreme Metal fans, and consequently have influenced others into that genre.

2) You spin an album by a band you love. Your friend is sitting there having never heard it before and he's immediately loving it too. He asks why the heck you didn't show him this earlier. Then he buys it for himself and gets into that band, genre or even Metal music as a whole. Later on he shows his girlfriend this music and she happens to love it too... How do you find that utterly disgusting?

No disrespect, just curious.

1) Yeah, that is very likely the reason.

2) Although not impossible, I think that such a situation is very unlikely unless your friend is already into metal. What I dislike (now) is when people keep trying to push their own interests (for example metal) on uninterested people.

I should mention, that the post you quoted was made 4 years ago and my opinion on that matter now is quite a bit different from back then.
18.09.2012 - 16:10
Sangre Sani
I teached my 3 friends to listen to metal. In each case I started with the old Metallica.
One of them was a fan of Linkin Fart and now he hates it, so I see this a success.
18.09.2012 - 16:12
Spirit Molecule
spirit molecule
I don't force music on anyone. If someone asks me for a recommendation, I'm happy to give them a few.
I do share music that I think is good with friends and if they like it, well that's cool, and if they don't, it really doesn't matter.

I don't really think we need to convert people Leave that to the religious folk
If you never wake up from a dream does it become reality?

Last fm
Don't click here
18.09.2012 - 16:15
Sangre Sani
^ Well, nice said. Beer for you.
18.09.2012 - 16:58
I'm trying to make my 4-years old nephew became a headbanger, but my sister wants to preserve his innocence... I think she's afraid that her son grow up into a Black Metal stereotype if he listen Metallica, for example...

Funny fact: I became a headbanger influenced by her - that grew up listening 80's glam like Guns N' Roses, Bon Jovi and Poison. But when she was teen, by her friend's influence, she started to listen a Brazilian genre called axé (go to Youtube and search É o Tchan - that piece of shit is axé) and rarely listened rock n' roll again.
Metal is the law
The law is the metal
Metal the law is
(Metal is the Law - Massacration)
18.09.2012 - 19:38
Written by Charly546 on 18.09.2012 at 14:54

Written by Patrick. on 17.09.2012 at 18:31

Written by Charly546 on 14.12.2008 at 13:48

This thread makes me ask 2 questions:
1) Why always extreme metal?
2) Am I the only one who finds the overall concept of "influencing your friends to get into metal" utterly disgusting?

1) Maybe most of the ones who happened to bump into this thread are Extreme Metal fans, and consequently have influenced others into that genre.

2) You spin an album by a band you love. Your friend is sitting there having never heard it before and he's immediately loving it too. He asks why the heck you didn't show him this earlier. Then he buys it for himself and gets into that band, genre or even Metal music as a whole. Later on he shows his girlfriend this music and she happens to love it too... How do you find that utterly disgusting?

No disrespect, just curious.

1) Yeah, that is very likely the reason.

2) Although not impossible, I think that such a situation is very unlikely unless your friend is already into metal. What I dislike (now) is when people keep trying to push their own interests (for example metal) on uninterested people.

I should mention, that the post you quoted was made 4 years ago and my opinion on that matter now is quite a bit different from back then.

Ah, okay. I didn't notice the date of your initial comment hehe.
Yeah I agree with that. Funny, uninterested people might not know if they're actually interested because they would be too uninterested to find out. I would have missed a lot of great TV-series, lots of music, etc, if it hadn't been for other people pushing me to at least check it out to see if I'm actually interested no matter how much uninterest I showed. Then again, if I truly were uninterested I probably wouldn't have let them show me anything either.
26.01.2013 - 02:18
I never force people into it, but I open the door for everyone i know who doesnt like it. When people ride in my car who dont like it, they are gonna get exposed to it because i have music rules in my car and i just cant safely drive listening to pop, most rap, and dubstep; which is what most people in my area like.
21.01.2014 - 19:33
Written by Spirit Molecule on 18.09.2012 at 16:12

I don't force music on anyone. If someone asks me for a recommendation, I'm happy to give them a few.
I do share music that I think is good with friends and if they like it, well that's cool, and if they don't, it really doesn't matter.

I don't really think we need to convert people Leave that to the religious folk

So true. Wish more people were thinking that way bro
{}::::::[]:::::::::::::::::> ONLY DEATH IS REAL <:::::::::::::::::[]::::::{}
Rest In Peace: Bon Scott, Dave G. Halliday, Michael "Destructor" Wulf, Jerry Fogle, Quorthon, Witchhunter
05.02.2014 - 18:15
I work at a elementary school and I play in their winter chorus concerts but I play the drums for them. I play blast beats and jam it out for them. I had them sing a Sabbath song. Slowly turning them into metalheads.
01.03.2014 - 05:18
I believe I influenced a few cousins of mine when I was a teen; I'm some 5 to 13 years older than they are, and they were getting used to hear metal at home whenever they were visting us; they been listening to some metal since then, even though now they listen to more diverse music.
19.04.2016 - 19:07
Proud to say my five-year-old son. He loves to drive in the "blackmobile" and listen to shit like Maiden or Obscura. We'll do classical metal and progressive metal first, not going to spring Deicide on the poor kid just yet... Behemoth! Lol

We live in Oklahoma, so the kid's gotta keep up appearances, you know?

The shroud of darkness shall descend, but only when he's old enough to keep his rap shut about it most of the time.

"My Dad listens to Behemoth!"

That's great for business, not.