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Best Modern "Slammy" Death Metal For the Old-Schooler

Posts: 42   Visited by: 73 users

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Posted by Tristus Scriptor, 16.04.2012 - 05:08
I'm not a person who loves a bloody battle with allies (METAL fans), I just want to simply get down to a good bit of suggesting and discussing of bands with the modern elements of brutal death metal that have become so popular lately, yet that would still appeal to an exteme metal veteran. For instance; I personally find much enjoyment in Inherit Disease, Pathology, Viscera Trail, Condemned, etc. I do NOT want to meticulously dissect every teensy-weensy little aspect of what's IN or not, whether a band is technically "this" or "that"...Those bands I just listed seem to be popular with the n00bs of br00tality, yet appeal to to a 31-year old like me that got into the brUtality of Morbid Angel and Cannibal Corpse when he was somewhere around 8 or 9. Let's be helpful and keep it friendly. If there's one thing I can't stand is people treating metal bands like football teams! (By the way, I put "slammy" in quotations for a few reasons...make of it what you will...)
18.04.2012 - 10:00
Tristus Scriptor
Rancid Reviewer
Anyway, I'll get back to suggestions. I've found that Being Killed and Atrocious Abnormality are fairly enjoyable in this whatever-you-wanna-call-it kind of death metal.
19.04.2012 - 23:36
Cerebral Bore?
20.04.2012 - 02:02
Tristus Scriptor
Rancid Reviewer
Written by Zombie94 on 19.04.2012 at 23:36

Cerebral Bore?

Ahh...good one. I can't believe I didn't include them. I dig the hell out of them (And they have a sense if humor, too.)
20.04.2012 - 07:34
Cynic Metalhead
Paisa Vich Nasha
Broken Hope

if they wouldn't have been disbanded, i think today they must have been one of the great slammy dm band of all time and for the old schooler too.

20.04.2012 - 08:58
Tristus Scriptor
Rancid Reviewer
Written by Cynic Metalhead on 20.04.2012 at 07:34

Broken Hope

if they wouldn't have been disbanded, i think today they must have been one of the great slammy dm band of all time and for the old schooler too.

Oh, yes, yes, yes...without a doubt. I am VERY familiar and somewhat in love with some Broken Hope. However, being an "old schooler" myself, I didn't mean we had to mention bands that we all know are (what I consider) givens. I mean to, by this whole thread altogether, find and recommend more contemporary bands that old-fashioned pricks like me would enjoy- even if the whipper snappers call 'em SLAM. I could list lots of stuff the other way around, which would be: Classic Death Metal For the Br00tal Slam Junkie. (Honestly, that post is probably more needed than mine, haha!)
20.04.2012 - 17:20
Cynic Metalhead
Paisa Vich Nasha
Written by Tristus Scriptor on 20.04.2012 at 08:58

Written by Cynic Metalhead on 20.04.2012 at 07:34

Broken Hope

if they wouldn't have been disbanded, i think today they must have been one of the great slammy dm band of all time and for the old schooler too.

find and recommend more contemporary bands that old-fashioned pricks like me

you know Broken Hope was disbanded in 2007 and I suppose it's not that too long they just went apart. Until and unless it gives full justification to "Slammy" Death Metal, BH gonna be the strongest contender.( while their last output was in 1999, they were still writing the music till 2006, check out the unreleased tracks on youtube.)
20.04.2012 - 20:50
Tristus Scriptor
Rancid Reviewer
Gorerotted had a lot of elements that the modern fan of this type of death metal tend to covet, that is, until they changed over to "The Rotted"...and while they are still fairly enjoyable, any putrid and sewer-esque qualities they had are gone. However, even when they were Gorerotted, they rarely lost momentum and chugged too much with breakdowns. "Goreskin" did do a lot of popular vocal techniques on "Only Tools and Corpses", making them worth a mention here.
22.04.2012 - 22:21
First of all, very useful thread... allthough it made me feel kinda old. a 31 year old calling himself an old prick? i mean, come on!

but whatever... a suggestion:

24.04.2012 - 02:48
Tristus Scriptor
Rancid Reviewer
Written by Iskander on 22.04.2012 at 22:21

First of all, very useful thread... allthough it made me feel kinda old. a 31 year old calling himself an old prick? i mean, come on!

but whatever... a suggestion:

Lol. Well, I didn't mean to make you feel old, as my feelings on my personal disposition (which is ex-death metal musician alkie-gone-recovered-homebody-music critic) don't have to reflect yours. Besides, I got kids that work for me that make me feel like an old prick. And thanks for the suggestion. Checking it out now...and so far it's freakin' perfect for this thread. \m/
24.04.2012 - 18:40
Written by Tristus Scriptor on 24.04.2012 at 02:48

Lol. Well, I didn't mean to make you feel old, as my feelings on my personal disposition (which is ex-death metal musician alkie-gone-recovered-homebody-music critic) don't have to reflect yours. Besides, I got kids that work for me that make me feel like an old prick. And thanks for the suggestion. Checking it out now...and so far it's freakin' perfect for this thread. \m/

Don't worry, i was kidding

Another thing, since you mentioned Cerebral Bore... i don't know if Benighted fits into the genre description (it's possible i'm too old to understand all those genres... ), but i think you might like them (if you don't already do).
24.04.2012 - 19:24
Tristus Scriptor
Rancid Reviewer

Don't worry, i was kidding

Another thing, since you mentioned Cerebral Bore... i don't know if Benighted fits into the genre description (it's possible i'm too old to understand all those genres... ), but i think you might like them (if you don't already do).

Yes, actually. I think they are quite enjoyable- also with that sense of humor that I mentioned.
02.05.2012 - 17:19
Grey Wind
Hey. I recommend tryin' "Apostles Of Inexpression" by Vomit The Soul. A very "slam" oriented DM album..
wimps and posers leave the hall lol