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Posted by The Alchemist, 07.11.2006 - 22:27
I found 4 topics about this great band, but none to discuss about them

Recently I got their album "Battle Metal" and wow!! what a great music!! I really liked it, the concept is really interesting, perfect atmosphere, great instrumentation.
Why do you think about them?
04.03.2011 - 09:07
Gurth Bennas
Wow, I just got "Stand up and fight" album 3 days ago. it's great, a beautiful symphonic battle folk metal album!! there are a few albums that I like every track of it, and this album is one of them. it's really more interesting than the other albums of Turisas.
Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul
Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul

(One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them)
04.03.2011 - 10:16
Written by Gurth Bennas on 04.03.2011 at 09:07

Wow, I just got "Stand up and fight" album 3 days ago. it's great, a beautiful symphonic battle folk metal album!! there are a few albums that I like every track of it, and this album is one of them. it's really more interesting than the other albums of Turisas.

I agree, its a little different but like you said more interesting than some of their other albums.
17.08.2011 - 02:36
Account deleted
I've heard their cover of Rasputin and I think it's very great.
P.S. The whole band looks like Hellboy.
03.12.2011 - 02:03
I first heard Turisas live supporting Dragonforce and I had never even heard of them before. They blew my mind, I went from standing at the back with a drink to right at the front and even though i didn't know a single song it was one of the best live shows i have ever seen, and when they did fuck the guitar solo i was hooked. I love how their songs work as stand alones yet the Varangian way and Stand up and fight tell a story, i love stories!
03.12.2011 - 15:47
Written by Perculees on 03.12.2011 at 02:03

I first heard Turisas live supporting Dragonforce and I had never even heard of them before. They blew my mind, I went from standing at the back with a drink to right at the front and even though i didn't know a single song it was one of the best live shows i have ever seen, and when they did fuck the guitar solo i was hooked. I love how their songs work as stand alones yet the Varangian way and Stand up and fight tell a story, i love stories!

That's awesome! How amazing to have heard them for the first time AT a show! I've only seen them live once but it was absolutely the best concert I've ever attended. I was already a fan of them but I can only imagine how magical it would have been had I been discovering them, too.

Damn. Those boys can put on a SHOW. And yeah their cover or Rasputin live is quite an experience
"A life all mine
Is what I choose
At the end of my days"
--The Gathering "A Life All Mine" from Souvenirs
04.12.2011 - 15:45
Zmaj Ognjeni Vuk
To Mega Therion
Damn you both I didn't have a chance to see them live so far, and it doesn't look like things will change in the near future.

Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one, and they all stink.
10.12.2011 - 15:26
Yeah would love to see them live. Especially after I bought Stand Up And Fight. That is a killer album. Full of energy and it tells a good story too

Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
16.12.2011 - 07:11
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
I somehow doubt Stand Up And Fight would be all that good live. To me, it sounds like a weaker Varangian Way with very little actual metal elements. It's too orchestral based, which I can't picture translating all that well live. That whole album just sounds like a movie soundtrack to me, and not a very good one at that.

It's got a few redeeming factors - "Hunting Pirates" being the most notable. Probably a 6.5-6.9 for me depending on my mood. At best it still just makes me want to listen to The Varangian Way.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
19.11.2013 - 16:46
Account deleted
I really just don't get this band. It seems like they are more about the appearance and live show atmosphere than songwriting. It's one of those bands where, I just don't understand why someone would take the time to listen to when there are so many other listening options available.
12.02.2014 - 20:49
Turisas is badass, their Rasputin cover sounds amazing. I don't think they're more into showing off rather than focusing on the songs, I like them just good.