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Floyd Rose Bridges...

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09.12.2006 - 02:50
Fucking exams! i should be studying, but here i am, doing research on the next gutiar...which i'm thinking of getting....if you are interested, it looks like this:

isnt she a beauty?

anyways, that is not why i made the topic. the reason why i did it is coz i'm really interested in Floyd Rose bridges. right now, i just have a normal bridge with a tremolo/whammy bar sticking out of it. i guess that is called the floyd rose I modle? anyways, i noticed that people like Herman Li, Steve Vai, Satriani and bunch of others(maybe Alexi. some of his stuff sounds like it) make heavy use of floyd rose bridges.

now, my question is, does anyone have any expeireince with them? i know that the whole string thing is a bit fucked up. the High E is a fragile string, and with the floyd rose, those things snap like they were bought so they can snap. and i know that the whole bridge is really complicated. even palm muting can fuck up the bridge..

and i know the benefits of it. they can creat some really amazing harmonic sounds. apperently we can make that 'bad horsie' sound with the bridge as well(dont know how to do that. seen a few people on youtube doing it without the pedal). on top of that, the strings dont get out of tune all too easy. and the guitar can make some really unusual sounds.

so, has anyone used/owns a guitar with floyd rose bridges? what are the pros and cons on it? is it worth buying? dont get me wrong, i'm not saying i'm GOD of guitar, nor am i trying to be like Vai, but i'm looking for new things that guitars can do, so therefore, i'm looking into floyd rose bridges. recommend it?

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde
12.12.2006 - 03:49
Erosive Offals
Account deleted
My entire experience with Floyd Rose bridges has sucked. Yes, it's true you can get some cool sounds and I love soloing with them. You said that they don't go out of tune very easily, well that's a lie. In fact, upon asking the guitarist for my last band if he would bring his guitar with the Floyd Rose bridge on it to practice, he said "sure, if you're gonna tune it for me".
12.12.2006 - 20:28
well, guitarists who use floyd rose often have couple of backup guitars just incase if the strings break. but them going out of tune is the first i've heard from you. their strings may break easy. but the lock system keeps the tune right.

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde
12.12.2006 - 22:47
It keeps the tune if it's correctly set, which is not often the case. Many people, including me, don't really understand the logic of the floyd rose system. Mine is pretty old and twisted so I guess I can forget about staying in perfect tune. If only WarriorOfMetal was here, he'd enlight us all. In fact, I think he already did in the past, providing a few drawings.
La belleza no reside en lo que puedas crear, sino en lo que eres capaz de transmitir
Beauty resides not in what you're able to create, but in what you're able to communicate

Txus, Mägo De Oz
13.12.2006 - 02:07
yeah, i was hopping warriorofmetal to show up here....i wonder where he is.

wrathchild, what floyd rose do you have? and i'm guessing you have some other guitar besides a floyd rose?

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde
13.12.2006 - 12:00
Account deleted
Just make sure you go for Original Floyd Rose, not the licensed ones, those are made of cheaper materials and don't always hold the tune very well in a long run. Same goes for Ibanez Edges: some models (the older, Edge Pro, Lo-pro Edge, ZR?) are good, some bad.

(I don't have much experience with them, all is based on opinions of more experienced whom have given me advice. I'm getting new axe soon, almost took the older Ibanez S, but decided to go for fixed bridge.)
13.12.2006 - 18:46
how do we know what is, and isnt original Floyd Rose?

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde
13.12.2006 - 18:53
Account deleted
I should be sttated in the guitar specs, either "Floyd Rose licensed" or "Original Floyd Rose". Most cheaper (and sometimes not so cheap) guitars seem to have the licensed ones.
13.12.2006 - 20:53
yeah, the guitar says 'Floyd Rose licensed bridge'. i guess i'll research on that a bit more.

where the heck is warriorofmetal? :O

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde
14.12.2006 - 02:59
well, whatever. i just paied 35 dollars into that guitar, so the store can hold it on lay-away. and i'll be throwing in about 100 dollars a week for 4 weeks. if something changes, then i can pull out all that money, and throw it into another guitar with a floyd rose. right now, this paevy is looking really amazing, and really cheap as well. its for about 250, where as the guitar up there is for 500. so yeah

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde
14.12.2006 - 13:34
Well, mine is a "licensed" bridge, fitted on an Aria Pro II Explorer for which I can't find any information or serial number. It has more than 10 years old and was left unused for years, so I hope new floyd rose bridges are better now, even those on cheaper models.
I changed the locking "squares", as the strings had eroded them quite a lot, but couldn't find the exact size that was used on my guitar.

But, even when I'm using it badly, I never broke a string. And I'm using "only" 10-46 strings. Of course, if I stretch it beyond what is obviously reasonnable, I may have problems, just like with standard vibratos.
La belleza no reside en lo que puedas crear, sino en lo que eres capaz de transmitir
Beauty resides not in what you're able to create, but in what you're able to communicate

Txus, Mägo De Oz
14.12.2006 - 16:31
Account deleted
I think I made a small mistake, those Edges I listed are actually Floyd Rose licensed too, so some more expensive licensed ones can be quality too.

Anyways, I almost took this one as used, but decided to go for fixed bridge (I play badly, better to learn more before going to those lead tricks )
14.12.2006 - 18:20
i just HATE any form of gold on guitar. that guitar looks sweet. just gold pisses me off. they had soemthing like that in a yamaha(only in red) and looked quiet similar. but those fucking gold knobs and pickups and all.

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde
14.12.2006 - 19:27
Account deleted
Sadly, they don't make those anymore. Novaday's models have the Wizard II neck and different trems.

This one ain't Prestige though:

(Hate the claw mark on the fretboard -.-)
14.12.2006 - 20:52
Retired Mod.
I have a Ibanez Prestige, the Floyd Rose system is great fun, but also great misery at times. When its working the way you want it, its so nice to play around with, to make the guitar squeal. I have no problems with strings snapping by using the bridge too much, they usually snap because of my own stupidity when tuning the thing, so well... xD I use 09 strings btw. But they take a lot of maintanance and care, I can spend the whole day trying to get the guitar into tune when changing strings. So, know what you are getting yourself into. But I can still reccommend it to have one besides a guitar with a fixed bridge or a not so complicated system. At this moment I only have the Ibanez, I'm looking to get a fixed bridge guitar soon, cause its such a hassle at times, and frustrating when you can't play because of the degree of impossibility to tune the damn thing
15.12.2006 - 20:15
hey! guess what?! for everyone out there disliking the string change thing, i found this really cool thing on youtube:

i have yet to figure out how to tune strings on a rose, but that seems easier than whatever i previously thought of floyd rose guitars.

haha, term to use from now on 'guitarded'

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde
15.12.2006 - 22:04
Ive got a licensed Floyed Rose...i play with this guitar for two years now. And everthings going fine. EXCEPT when i put my whammy bar on it...and use my Floyed Rose...and also palmmuting can crap things up. I dont need it more a rhytme player. I would not recommend it....maybe a real one does a good job, but certainly not a licensed one. I have strapblocks on it so my snares keep a bit in tune...but it is rarely in perfect tune.

You have to ask yourself if you will use it much...if you dont, just buy a pedal and dont go for a Floyed.
"So you children of the world, listen to what I say
If you want a better place to live in spread the words today
Show the world that love is still alive you must be brave
Or you children of today are Children of the Grave."
16.12.2006 - 01:16
Account deleted
Fuck. Now I could get an used Jackson RR1. I know that fixed is what I need, but it's still tempting... Must resist.
16.12.2006 - 05:40
you aready have a fixed bridge right? then why not have a fixed and a rose?

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde
16.12.2006 - 12:33
Nice video Soliloquy! Indeed having a small piece of wood helps, I've learnt that when I got my guitar. But for some reasons, I never thought of inserting the string the other way round, I'll try that next time.

But changing strings is not the hardest thing to do, setting the whole bridge right can be complicated. You see, on my guitar, the springs in the back aren't in line which prevents me from placing them the way they should be...
La belleza no reside en lo que puedas crear, sino en lo que eres capaz de transmitir
Beauty resides not in what you're able to create, but in what you're able to communicate

Txus, Mägo De Oz
16.12.2006 - 14:11
Account deleted
@Soliloquy: I have just this cheap Yamaha with non-floating trem on it, and now I'm getting a new with fixed. Maybe after that a Floyd-equipped one.
10.01.2007 - 20:28
i got my guitar last night, and it sounds sweet. although, since the necl doesnt have the 'pearl' pattern, its kinda making me really sloppy. even if i dont look at the fret board, i know my fret board doesnt look the same, so yeah...

perhaps i should return the guitar, get 300 dollars back, and get a peavy gutiar with a floyd rose and the pearl pattern...

although, this guitar i have now is so unique!

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde