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What do you think about the term "Sold Out"?

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Posted by selken, 19.08.2007 - 06:06
All of we have used (or at least heard) the term "sold out", we know that is applied as a response of the dissapointment from old hardcore fans when their favourite bands change drastically their style of music, for both experimenting or reaching wider audiences, and obtain commercial success. What do you think about the term?, Is this correct? What makes you consider a band sold out?

We must keep in mind that many musicians have the music as their jobs, and thus, this is the way for them to put food on their tables, so we must consider why a band sometimes really NEEDS commercial success, I know this is not an excuse (read about Therion), but we must stay in the artists shoes to know what is really happening.

IMO, I don't like the term, for me, Metallica is the only "sold out" band, because of the Napster issue, i mean, they are millionaires, and were so at the time of the Napster issue and blah, blah, blah..... you know the rest.
20.02.2013 - 00:02
The Ancient One
Henry Rollins has some thoughts on the subject... well, at least one aspect of "selling out"

get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
20.02.2013 - 01:33
Heaven Knight
All at sudden a thematic song came to my mind

My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

21.02.2013 - 02:25
Written by BitterCOld on 20.02.2013 at 00:02

Henry Rollins has some thoughts on the subject... well, at least one aspect of "selling out"

More than a good point. Well put.
From YOLO to LOLOL. You're welcome.
10.03.2013 - 00:18
All musicians who are trying to make their hobbies a career are sell outs. Period. Some people are more ignorant than others about it. Now, I suppose there's an argument to be made that XYZ band, who spent the past several years playing one style of music and creating a fan base, changes their sound completely and becomes more "radio accessible." This is typically the definition for selling out. But again, if you're expecting any sort of financial compensation for your work and you want to tour, sell shirts, and sell albums, you've already sold out. It's just a matter of whether or not you can admit it to yourself.
08.03.2016 - 23:15
Written by skrog1 on 10.03.2013 at 00:18

All musicians who are trying to make their hobbies a career are sell outs. Period. Some people are more ignorant than others about it. Now, I suppose there's an argument to be made that XYZ band, who spent the past several years playing one style of music and creating a fan base, changes their sound completely and becomes more "radio accessible." This is typically the definition for selling out. But again, if you're expecting any sort of financial compensation for your work and you want to tour, sell shirts, and sell albums, you've already sold out. It's just a matter of whether or not you can admit it to yourself.

There is such as thing as being a professional musician (playing a wedding or Bar Mitzvah to feed your family, or filling in at a Life Church for a few bucks on Sunday) vs establishing yourself as an artist and then changing your sound and persona to try and make more money, which generally is inadvisable - seems like a good idea until you end up writing LOAD!!!

But I wouldn't say sitting in on a Country session or something is "selling out" at all. In fact, I respect that. All the better for some bassist of a technical death metal band to play standup in a swing band for old timers! I think that's awesome.

Making a living is not selling out.