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Black Funeral - Scourge Of Lamashtu lyrics


01. Kassaptu Lemuttu

Mimma lemnu, Lamastu, mumitu
Blood poured: Ardat-Lili, Lamastu
Zaqiqu from Irkalla
Zaqiqu fly from the grave

Vampyric Dead thirsting for blood
Emissaries of Chaos
Southwinds, Gods of the Night,
Annunaki enthroned in the Netherworld

Kassaptu Lemuttu, Evil Witch of Eldritch Sorceries
Kassapu Lemuttu, Warlock of Udug-Hul!

Kassaptu who augurs doom

Malice and demonic spells whispered into darkness
The wax figure is named and prepared,
Limbs twisted rack him in pain
Open the grave and his cursed figure

Etemmu emerge as Vampyric ghosts

02. The Vampyric Rabisu At The Threshold

From below the horizon I rot in the earth
Netherworld opens for my return
Demonic Etemmu to possess this corpse
Udug-hul awaken Sedu

Rising from the coffin
Slumbering among the thirsty dead,
Given the powers of the Southwind
Born of Anu and Ki, Spirit and Flesh becomes an Evil God

Ahhazu, Bel-uri, Rabisu
Lamastu, smeared with blood
From the corners we drink your blood, eat your soul
Lilitu, the pact of nam-erim, Mamitu eternal

Seven Dimme, Sebitti, Seven Storms of Darkness
Among the ruins and desert wilderness
Joined by blood thirsting Etemmu,
Restless ghosts howling upon the winds
Deathly Alu summoned by demons

Drink my fill of blood, as Kasapu,
I form clouds against my prey (my shadow standing over her)
Storm-clouds cannot be scattered
haunting and seizing limbs

A ghost is sent as a dream, nightmares cling to her flesh.
Fly forth upon nocturnal skies,
Darkened clouds, phantom form
Akhkharu, Alu, Lamastu, Lilitu necromantic Undead

03. Nergal (Lord Who Prowls By Night)

Irkalla, deathlike dreaming in a tomb
Erra, mighty Usumgallu
Enthroned in Kutha
Nergal, Lord who Prowls by Night

Erra stirred by the Seven Sebitti
Furious warriors, rebel gods
Seven Udug-Hul consuming, destroying
Blazing radiance of Terror, Melammu

In the West, Utu has shone forth for you
Awe-inspiring dais radiating across the abyss
Nergal, who can kill and bring life back
Holding the keys to the Netherworld

In the East, Nergal is imbued with a terrible radiance
Lord of War and Destruction, spiller of blood
Nergal, dragon covered in gore
Drinking the blood of living creatures

Usumgallu who is covered in gore
Battle-mace drips blood and flesh
Nergal whose power has filled heaven and earth
Nergal, angry sea, unleash your awe and terror!

04. Seven Udug-Hul

Spawned of Heaven and Earth, rise from the Netherworld
Seven malefic stars, blazing across the skies
Anu and Ki, rebel-gods, demons free to haunt cosmos
Melammu is lofty of the Seven

Billowing clouds causing gloom in Heaven
Blast of rising winds, darkness across the sky
Seven gods of the broad heavens
Seven gods of the Netherworld

Udug-hul, Ala-hul, Gidim-hul, Galla-hul,
Dimme, Dima, Dimme-Lagab demons

Evil gods whirling as chaos-storms,
Enter homes to murder
Seven demons, forms change
Continual nightmare phantoms

Enter the house, shadows in the corner
Spirits thirsting for blood
Evil God, Demon of the Steppe,
Utukku of the Mountain,

Udug-hul, Ala-hul, Gidim-hul, Galla-hul,
Dimme, Dima, Dimme-Lagab demons

Demons of the Sea, Udug of the Tomb
A Goring-Ox, Ghost raging against life
Eating flesh, spilling blood
Drinking blood from veins

Gallu-demons filled with malevolence,
Never cease consuming blood
Ala great demon of perversion, night-haunting to possess prey
Destroy bodies from the inside, Legion!

Udug-hul, Ala-hul, Gidim-hul, Galla-hul,
Dimme, Dima, Dimme-Lagab demons

Udug-hul slips over the threshold
Devouring, destroying, kill the father, kill the son
Evil Udug spares no one
Etemmu and Utukku ride on winds of evil spells

05. Scourge Of Lamashtu (She Who Strangles The Lamb)

She is fierce, violent, Lamastu of divine power
Terrifying is the Daughter of Anu
Lamastu is a she-wolf, claws are the Anzu
Her hands are decay, face of a raging lion

Bring me your sons, I will nurse them poisoned,
Rotten pestilence, black blood
Bring me your daughters for I am thirsty
In the mouth of the young I shall place my breast

She who Strangles the Lamb
She comes forth from the marshes
Her hair hanging loose, and clothes stripped off
Lamastu's hands, caked in flesh and blood

She enters the window, Lamastu!
Slithering over the door casing like a snake
Long claws, seize the infant seven times
She enters and leaves the house in the night

Lamastu, cast from the Heavens, crowned as a goddess
Prey upon this living world,
Drink and feed from the flesh of the living
Scourge of Lamastu

Kamadme, Spirit of Sumerian ruins
Vampyric Goddess whose powers are many
Lamastu, Labasu, Ahhazu, Seven times seven shadows
Bibitum on northern winds you travel

Female murderer, the roaming ghost, demoness!
Vampyre who haunts the Steppe
Hand of the Ghost of a Murderer (Qat Saggasi)!

Samana, Jaws of a Lion
Teeth of an Usumgal
Claws of an Eagle
Blood-dripping mouth of Ninisina

06. Gidim Hul (Bloodthirst Of The Demonic Dead)

Etemmu neglected in funerary rites,
The ghosts rise from their graves
A blood meal to take souls for eternal life
Haunting between the world of living and dead

Anzagar, by nightmares!
Ahhazu, seizing demon before me!
Hajjatu-demons, we drink the blood
Shulak, Lilitu, Rabisu!

Gidim-hul, blood thirst of the dead
Rabisu, hear me!
Mimma Lemnu hear me!
Sedu hear me!
Utukku by Crossroads

The grave transformed this ghost,
growing thirsty for living blood
Feed and prey upon mankind, drink their souls!
Arali did not contain me, I rise from the tomb.
Dust and darkness are my way, the winds of raven's flight

Some have forgotten, hunger strikes and my spirit twists
Etemmu thirst for blood, become as Udug-hul
Gidim-hul, haunt and torment,
Drink the soul dry,
Blood be spilt, may the dead lap up the blood

Gidim-hul, blood thirst of the dead
Rabisu, hear me!
Mimma Lemnu hear me!
Sedu hear me!
Utukku by Crossroads

Pestilence and Plague powers of Namtar
Nergal Lord of the Underworld
We are of the Netherworld
Inflict the living with disease
Striking the mortal flesh with blood-shadows

07. Pazuzu King Of The Lilu-Demons

From Chaos is Order come to be,
The Winds haunt the earth
Pazuzu, Son of Hanbu,
King of the Lilu-Demons

Ascend the mighty mountain
By the winds towards the west,
One by one I broke their wings,
Parching winds I command

Pazuzu, mighty one, ascending mountains
who faces and subdues all winds
Pazuzu, angry winds,
Who's rising is terrible

Fierce one, raging one, destroys the high mountains
Howling at the world regions
Pazuzu, parches the marshlands
Withering the reeds

Thou four-winged god of terrible radiance,
Who teared down trees, passing through the Gardens,
Withering the fruits fallen
Pazuzu, descended to the living turning it to ice
Breaking the bones of the men with joy
Pazuzu, bestow protection upon that which I deem worthy,
Ascend the mountains!