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Innsmouth - Consumed By Elder Sign lyrics


01. Dead In The Water

Loathly Lord, watery keep
Sable abyss, drowning deep
Astral sleeping, dream through dream
Old One in R'lyeh, breach the seam

Dream encumbered Castellan of the abyssal plains
Telepathic discourse with the lake of doom
That mists and rolls nearby Carcosa
Where another writhes beneath the moon

Waiting for the stars beneath blight-cursed tides
Aware that their alignment cometh soon
While planets drift away through nether void
Old master in the silence of the tomb

(Sleeping, dreaming, waiting, fabled abyss)

02. Telepathy

A figure swarthy, slender and sinister
Has arisen out of Egypt
From the blackness of twenty-seven centuries
The trinity known as Nyarlathotep

Snaking its way through a river of flesh
The crawling horror of Nyarlathotep
Breach one mind; breach them all
Telepathy, Hearken to the messengers call

Combining the will of the outer Gods
The most human like amongst them
Though any of its other thousand forms
Cannot be suffered by mortals

Snaking its way through a river of flesh
The crawling horror of Nyarlathotep
Breach one mind; breach them all
Telepathy; Bow to the wanderers call

There is no peace through the gate
There is no sanity at the place of judgement
There is only the soul of crawling chaos
And it came with messages from without

03. Thrice Blessed Shub-Niggurath

With that multitude of young within
How thy belly must have ached
And now thy teats must be engorged indeed
With one thousand thirsts to slake

Hear me black hoofed majesty
If thou dwell yet in uncouth glade
And let me adore thine offspring
That the leech-god hath forbade

From thy fertile womb hath sprung
Behooven horde to block the Sun
To roam alone in shadowed vale
And cause the mortal hearts to fail

Mankind traverse westward
As thou left aloof to roam
Cloven hoof tramp in the bracken
And leave imprint in the loam
When the crescent moon hath risen
And the swift borne night yet young
As thou heave thy mighty bosom
All thine infants far art flung

Shub Niggurath blessed thrice, dark queen, masterless,
Four legged Belial .............

04. Five Branches Against Doom

Five naked limbs crawling outward
From a gaunt dauntless trunk without root
Dream-borne stems seek nutrients
With which to feed their cadaverous host

Somnolent whispers be damned
Branches five guarding the gates of mind
Old master waits in great tomb
Trunk must withstand 'gainst the astral storm

Sister of the witch's foot
Is a living symbol and a lock
Protect us oh stark sigil
The first in line for devouring

Three of us clutching for holds
At the five shining limbs of the sign
Anchor points weaken yet hold
Pray there's still some undamaged starstones

Its cultists are without mind
Its journey begun in star strewn gulfs
It is submerged and entombed
And far beyond mortal reckoning

We're at its dreaming mercy
We're enthralled by writhing tentacles
We're drowned in its horror
Our only hope is the elder sign

05. Consumed By Elder Sign

On twisting paths lofty, forgotten and out of time, we wander upon the edges
Looking for a sign, a token of the Elder Gods; for a five limbed branch against doom
And Hearken now, we have found it, though we have passed out of mortal thought
We no longer dream for we cannot sleep and slowly are our minds devoured. We shall end soon

A shadow covers our sight and with the sores on our bodies we are pitiful wretches
By the reckoning of human limitation we should already have succumbed as we drool
We shuffle forward and we curse all the Gods we can bring to mind and those we cannot
And on these windswept heights we laugh like devils and hyenas and like dogs onward crawl

That which was our hope has become our undoing as it whispers at us its horror
For those it was meant to hold back are slowly, inexorably, crawling outwards and inwards
Through long years uncounted have their prisons weakened as time draws out like a blade
One of us carries the sign and the others him for he weighs less now than any man should

Counting the days we are by cutting off the ends of our fingers, which have turned black
The first of us is consumed in a screaming inferno as a light goes out inside his head
He is left by the wayside amongst bracken and moss for we are too weak to build cairn
We won't outlast him long as another light starts to burn out and our veins fill with lead

As ours wanes its own light starts to burn ever brighter and we lay it down on the path
It gibbers and moans and in a foul parody of life rights itself and stands on five naked limbs
Shambling forward it speaks with the echoes of the Elder Gods in eldritch tongue
As the light leaves our eyes we see it glowing and then no more: We're consumed by Elder Sign

06. Borne By The Winds

There is One borne by the Winds
Soul of the tempest there within
Between the worlds that howl with squalls
Where the Tind'losi darkward crawl

With form shaped by the gales of space
Eyes carmine breach clouded face
Peak of discordant five year zeal
The clad in sky watcher revealed

There is One born of the Winds
Son of the tempest there within
While stormswept cultists haunt on high
He is drawn into the sky