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Staff picks

Ok, so this Staff Pick is a bit unfair. It's more a "head's up!" than a "buy this now" recommendation. Why? The band is unsigned (some exec get on this!), but sent out 250 promo copies of their first full-length. Being one of the chosen few, I've had the chance to listen to a it a few times through and am delighted at their progress. A full, proper review shall be forthcoming.

In the mean time, if you like your doom with death-stylee vocals, lots of slow trudging with the occasional almost quiet atmospheric interlude or quickening of the pulse go ahead and visit the album page and add this to your wishlist ... and wait for some label to snap these guys up and start circulating this woeful yet wonderful release properly.
For Ronnie James Dio...
so RJD had already cemented his place as an iconic front man by the early 80's for his work in Rainbow and Black Sabbath. Holy Diver showed how successful he could be on his own. and by his own, i mean as "first among equals." i'm sure RJD would be the first to agree and give 75% credit to the rest of the band.

The Last In Line is a worthy successor to his landmark initial offering, with blistering tracks like "We Rock" and "I Speed At Night", epic tunes such as "The Last In Line" and "Egypt", his sophomore effort was proof positive that Holy Diver was not just a one-hit wonder.

Considering you can find this cd new in the States for under $10, if you live in an industrialized nation you should stop reading right here, run to the local record store and buy this. pronto.

And if my word ain't enough, no less a metal aficionado than Fenriz listed this (and Sabbath's Mob Rules, which also features Dio on vocals) in the liner notes of Circle The Wagons in (another) installment of his "must have" metal albums.

Staff pick by: BitterCOld
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x), Jeff, Doc G., Deadsoulman, Dane Train, Daniell, fade, Milena, wormdrink414
black metal
Maiestrit is a re-worked version of 2000's Maiastru Sfetnic and is a stunning and majestic affair, particularly the two "acoustic" tracks. Sadly, the is the last release from the original core of the band before Huppogramos and Sol Faur moved on. Maiestrit is a wonderful, yet bittersweet, album that fans of epic-length should definitely check out.
Staff pick by: BitterCOld
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x), Marcel Hubregtse, Ag Fox, Darkside Momo
Featuring seven tracks of guitar driven metal laden with double time blasting riffs, some positively S-L-O-W punishing riffs, lots of feed back and the fact these guys just RAWK makes this an enjoyable album worth checking out for those who like their metal with a nice coat of sludge.
Staff pick by: BitterCOld
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x), Thryce, Doc G., X-Ray Rod
Holy Terror are a second-wave thrash band that put out a couple albums in the 80's, then disappeared. Terror And Submission was recently re-issued (again) along with Mind Wars, making it obtainable for those of us who still buy disks.

What they lacked in finesse they made up for in droves with boundless, raw kinetic energy, enthusiasm, and the fantastic vocals of Keith Deen.

"T&S" is recommended for fans of raw 80's thrash metal.
Staff pick by: BitterCOld
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x), Marcel Hubregtse, Thryce, White Winter Sun, wormdrink414
Funeral Doom
The album opens reminding the listener "the outer body is a stinking cadaver, because it still lives in poison", and goes downhill from there. Glaciers advance faster than the songs on this album. Empty, reverberating drums, painfully slow guitar melodies, somewhat buried vocals, wrapped in a Yanni-paced organ? these guys sure put the "Fun" in "Funeral!"
Staff pick by: BitterCOld
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x), Marcel Hubregtse, Troy Killjoy
a nice raging slab, Static Tensions retains a more raw sludge approach when compared to their fellow Georgians Baroness' and Mastodon's 2009 releases. Some great riffs, two drummers drumming, and harsh shouted male throat work balanced with some pleasant female vocals make for a compelling and enjoyable listen.
Staff pick by: BitterCOld
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x), Promonex, Marcel Hubregtse, Jeff, Deadsoulman, Ag Fox, X-Ray Rod
A project featuring Justin Broadrick (Jesu, Godflesh) and Aaron Turner (Isis), "Disconnected" is 9 tracks of horribly oppressive, bleak industrial music designed to punish the listener. Good times.
Staff pick by: BitterCOld
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x), Zombie, M.D., X-Ray Rod
Black Metal
fantastic follow-up to their self-titled release. seemed to fly a bit under the radar last year, and, honestly, it took me a while to appreciate it. you can find a full review of the album here.
Staff pick by: BitterCOld
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x), Marcel Hubregtse, Troy Killjoy, X-Ray Rod
Came out on Tuesday and has dominated my cd tray since. The production allows the bass and drum support, usually overshadowed by Pike's mighty axe, to shine through as well. This power trio is ugly, dirty, loud, barbaric, and tight. \m/

Staff pick by: BitterCOld
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x), Doc G., Deadsoulman, Marcel Hubregtse, Jeff, X-Ray Rod