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Cradle Of Filth - a new studio report

CRADLE OF FILTH bassist Dave Pybus has posted his eighth studio report at the band's official website,

Hail! With the studio back up and running and now in good flow, we are getting quite close to finishing the recording process of the new album.

This weekend saw our CoF Axe-men Paul Allender and James Mcnewboy finish all their guitar parts and that leaves just Dani and Martin in the studio with Producer Rob Caggiano and Engineer Dan Turner at the controls. Vocals and Keyboards is now the sole focus of these final days. I hear it's going great, as a visit from Roadrunner A&R master Mike Gitter would confirm: "Have you ever smelt the rising stench of a severed pig's head? Or touched its pink-y, human-feeling skin? The goddamn thing has eyelashes! That was the sight I was treated to on Friday afternoon mere moments after getting to Parkgate. A pig's head in producer Rob Caggiano's bed (smoking a cigarette, reading Metal Hammer!). Such good fun. Such a rancid stink. Clearly, the Cradle boys are in good spirits, up to some good ol' black-hearted deviltry...probably because Nymphetamine is turning into a masterpiece all of its own!

Now, I ain't one for A&R-guy gladhanding, but this might just be the DEFINITIVE Cradle Of Filth record! Songs are razor-sharp: 'Guilded Cunt' kicks with a HATEBREED-ish hellborn fury; same with 'Medusa & Hemlock'. 'Absinthe WIth Faust' revels in beautiful atmospherics; a couple of new ones -- both still awaiting vocals and simply titled 'Maidenstyle' & 'Manowar' (working titles, natch) take a few steps out of the COF coffin but rock with a riffy METAL fervor and energy that kicks everything around 'em in the face... and keeps spitting to the bitter end. And, you've never heard such clarity on a Cradle record! You can hear every profane utterance out of Dani's mouth. All I say, now safely typing this on Monday morning is that COF have given (after) birth to an 'It's Alive'-styled monster of a record. A metal classic for sure."

As for completeing his guitar parts, I spoke with James to find out: 'Finishing the guitars on my first outing as Cradle guitarist is kind of weird, a mixed feeling of pride and relief in a way, but at the end of the day it doesn't matter, as the whole thing sounds massive and very fucking metal, innit". James was later found aimlessly walking the streets of Battle and has since been committed to the local asylum situated next door to the studio... Innit.


Band profile: Cradle Of Filth
Posted: 23.05.2004 by Unknown user | Comments (0)

Cradle Of Filth Studio Report

CRADLE OF FILTH bassist Dave Pybus has posted the sixth installment of his regular online studio report at the group's official web site.

As previously reported, CRADLE OF FILTH are currently recording their Roadrunner Records debut, tentatively titled "Nymphetamine". The follow-up to last year's "Damnation and a Day" is being produced by ANTHRAX guitarist Rob Caggiano, who has previously worked with the group during the mixing stage for "Damnation?".

Band profile: Cradle Of Filth
Posted: 15.04.2004 by Undercraft | Comments (0)

Cradle Of Filth - studio report

CRADLE OF FILTH bassist Dave Pybus has posted the following studio update on the band's official web site:

"It's official... CRADLE OF FILTH are possessed!!! We have now been transformed into zombified pork scratching eating fiends! On my return from a short weekend break, I was instructed NOT to come back unless I brought with me a whole sack of pork scratchings (to those who have no idea what I'm talking about, it's small bags of rock hard fatty pig skin!). The guys were rabid and scoffed the lot like greedy blood-crazed shits! Zombie partrol Vs. Ghoul tools Vs. Tag team tossers! They did taste good though.

"On a more serious note: Maybe some of you are wondering how the new record is shaping up. Well. Adrian has completed all his drums. I should be done with bass this week too. Dani has started vocals on like 6 or 7 tracks. Paul has nearly completed all his guitars and James has a few songs left to play. Martin... likes boys. I mean he's well into his keyboards. Everyone is very excited when we get to hear the tracks building up and there is way more variation with the songs. Fast, slow, moody, ultra fast, evil! You know the general theme... HEAVY METAL!!! True and simple. Only CRADLE OF FILTH styleee! We also have the album cover design 99% there and just done a few new t-shirt designs. Visited at the studio by our endorser rep and general superhero Dom Fairbanks!

"We are also getting dates through and are pleased to announce that we will be playing this years Download festival at Donnington Park, Saturday, 5th June. It's gonna be great to get back on the stage!!! I also visited this weekend our clothes design company SINWEAR for a future Metal Hammer feature. Saw some of the new designs for this years touring blitz! Check out their website for an insight into this great up-and-coming clothing company. Also check out what's getting sold via eBay these days."

Band profile: Cradle Of Filth
Posted: 01.04.2004 by Unknown user | Comments (0)

Cradle Of Filth: Studio Update

CRADLE OF FILTH bassist Dave Pybus has posted the following studio update on the band's official web site:

"Recording of the last few songs has gone amazing. Playing very tight, as a band in the studio should, making the stand out track on the album well worth the battle to arrange at the end. Regardless of three amps blown up, we can now see light at the end of the tunnel. People here have mentioned more than once the words 'Ghosts', 'Jinx' and... 'Bollocks'. Sounds changing for no reason. Tuning problems. More amp problems. Takes hours sometimes to get things back to where they were before. Keyboards are now starting to go onto the tracks late at night. Martin refuses to play before midnight as he demands a very grim atmosphere in the studio. Reminds him of being 'down the pit'. Simple... but effective. Paul and James have added extra guitars over this weekend. Mapped out parts for the choir which we will record soon (probably in the studio 'cos there's no way they'll let the band in the local church) when Martin completes the scoring, which is quite a big job in itself. Gives the songs such a different direction than just drums, bass and guitars. It's nowhere near equalized on the desk but sounds huge. We always get very excited when Rob turns it up on the big speakers for us to listen back to. Catsfield massive innit!

"This week we got drums to do on like 3 songs and that's it for Adrian. I got bass tracks done on 9 songs already. The guitars I've been using is my Maverick 5 string, Ibanez and Fender Precision (4 string USA model). All Black of course! We've been visited over the last few days by Anny of Line 6 who interviewed Paul for their website. Check that out later this week. Vocals for Dani will also start at the end of this week. Sarah is now back in the U.K. and will be recording her parts soon as well.

"Other crazy shit going on at the studio? Well, since the BB guns have been banned from this session we have devised studio challenges consisting of me eating the hottest curry available to humanity. Adrian attempting to eat 10 big Macs. Studio engineer Dan was turned into an old man by having his head shaved like a monk. James wasn't allowed to shave his beard for the first 4 weeks. Dani's challenge will see him attempt to eat 100 bags of Space Raiders (if we can find them?). Rob's challenge is to finish the album on time hehe! More being devised as we speak. It's all tame stuff really as we are just too busy this time to fuck about too much. You'll get to see all the best stuff on the DVD we are filming for at the moment which will be a future release. The competition will hopefully be ready for next week."

Band profile: Cradle Of Filth
Posted: 17.03.2004 by Undercraft | Comments (0)

Cradle Of Filth agrees to terms with Roadrunner

British extreme metal outfit CRADLE OF FILTH have signed a deal with Roadrunner Records.

The band, second-stage headliners of this year's Ozzfest and recently on tour in America supported by TYPE O NEGATIVE and MOONSPELL, are delighted by the recent turn of events. Dani Filth, the group's often outspoken vocalist had this to say about the move "Obviously everybody in the band is very excited about the decision to sign to the label. I believe Roadrunner will definitely give us a much further push and without doubt, better credibility within the extreme metal scene. Bring on 2004, the year destined to be spattered with FILTH..."

Roadrunner are equally thrilled, as A&R man Mike Gitter states, "As all truly great bands do, CRADLE OF FILTH provoke...that makes people draw a line. CRADLE assault the senses: hitting both head and groin. CRADLE OF FILTH are leaders rather than followers ? often copied, never replicated. They have already left a bloody stain on the Encylopedia Metallicus ? Roadrunner and I are excited to help make the world a FILTHier place."

CRADLE OF FILTH have already written enough material for their first album with Roadrunner (their sixth full length to date) and are due to begin recording in late January with a release date scheduled for early June. The album, tentatively titled "Nymphetamine" (roughly translated as the druggish beast-like addiction to beautiful, classical women) will feature the following tracks (as of December 2003):

01. Medusa And Hemlock
02. Nemesis
03. Prey
04. Gilded Cunt
05. Absinthe With Faust
06. Painting Flowers White Never Suited My Palette
07. Coffin Fodder
08. Filthy Little Secret
09. Gabrielle
10. Swansong For A Raven

CRADLE OF FILTH bassist David Pybus describes the new material as an "eclectic mix between the group's 'Damnation..' and 'Cruelty...' albums with a renewed vigour for melody, songmanship and plain fucking weirdness spat into the smelting bowl. Revolting human worms, you have been warned!"

Band profile: Cradle Of Filth
Posted: 23.12.2003 by Deadsoulman | Comments (0)