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Faith No more

Posts: 69   Visited by: 59 users
23.05.2006 - 17:05
Valkoinen kuolem
best band in alternative rock genr,
well i must opend this topic to see is here any FNM fans a none metal band that have band INFO here at metalstorm so what do u think about them fav albums etc....
On pirun vaikea selvitä hengissä hautaan saakka
It is damn difficult to stay alive till the grave
Erno Paasilinna
23.05.2006 - 20:11
The Ancient One
I absolutely love the controlled chaos of Angel Dust. In my opinion it's their finest effort.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
24.05.2006 - 04:52
My favorite band in the whole world. They opened so many doors for me... Angel Dust is still my favorite record ever. Thankfully I got to see them live before they split!
25.05.2006 - 04:17
Account deleted
very awesome band
original as hell
25.05.2006 - 07:10
Lactation Cnslt
hmm, my friend burned me a copy of one of their cd's about a month ago but I haven't listened to it yet. I guess I should check it out...
25.05.2006 - 18:20
Baz Anderson
Faith No More are a brilliant band! they arent really like anything else that i do like, so its a bit weird that i do like them
maybe i just got into them at the right age. haha. i dont know
one of the best rock bands i can think of
25.05.2006 - 18:56
i like them, not that much but a little.

get out is a good song
25.05.2006 - 19:49
Valkoinen kuolem
its so great to see alot FNM fans special when u know that they split and some of us here were too lucky to see them live i wasnt
On pirun vaikea selvitä hengissä hautaan saakka
It is damn difficult to stay alive till the grave
Erno Paasilinna
28.05.2006 - 14:07
Baz Anderson
no - i never saw them either, but when i did Business Studies in college a year ago - my lecturer told me that he had seen Faith No More and a bunch of other bands
hahaha. he was a good teacher
28.05.2006 - 18:36
Account deleted
Madcaps! It's really strange how these odd guys were such long time together Especially Mike Patton was a very charismatic frontman. The man with the 10000 voices Just awesome.
28.05.2006 - 19:17
Valkoinen kuolem
Written by [user id=390] on 28.05.2006 at 18:36

. The man with the 10000 voices Just awesome.

yeah Mike is greatttttttttttt

btw dunno is this is good place for this but im gona post link of FNM's forum if mods this thinks this is rule breaking please delete this one

On pirun vaikea selvitä hengissä hautaan saakka
It is damn difficult to stay alive till the grave
Erno Paasilinna
10.06.2006 - 00:13
Account deleted
This band is just awesome. I LOVE the Angel Dust record. Be Aggressive is my favourite. I have one band project which main influences come from FNM
10.06.2006 - 10:38
The Ancient One


get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
10.06.2006 - 12:22
hi-fi / lo-life
Open-minded FNM fans should check out Peeping Tom, Patton's latest project (this time, focusing on pop and hip hop). There are some FNM moments on that album, especially the song "We Are Not Alone"
11.06.2006 - 00:16
Valkoinen kuolem
@ jupitreas
well i dind't have chance to hear Peepin tom last album that come out, but i heard few coments that albums goes to mainstream,
On pirun vaikea selvitä hengissä hautaan saakka
It is damn difficult to stay alive till the grave
Erno Paasilinna
11.06.2006 - 00:49
hi-fi / lo-life
You're talking about Mike Patton here... All his stuff is a little mainstream. Is there anything wrong with that? At least FNM fans should recognize the fact that some mainstream stuff can be really great.
11.06.2006 - 15:45
Valkoinen kuolem
yeah it can be great i didn't said they can't
but some ppl told it's too muich mainstream not a little like patton knows to do but so much
On pirun vaikea selvitä hengissä hautaan saakka
It is damn difficult to stay alive till the grave
Erno Paasilinna
14.06.2006 - 06:21
I didn't like Peeping Tom at all... for a mainstream-geared type of record, the melodies just aren't memorable enough, and Patton seems to be repeating himself a lot lately... it's more like an exercise in production than a collection of songs I think. Still, gotta love Dale Crover on the first song!
16.06.2006 - 01:20
I am a fan of Faith No More indeed. A very wacky kind of band. I enjoy their random compositions. I wouldn't say I am a big of fanatic of Mike Patton as many people seem to be, but I respect the man. Not to mention his vocals are just great. Good stuff.
The force will be with you, always.
04.07.2006 - 02:11
Account deleted
a really cool alt. rock band that will go down in history. different then anybody else. had a cool sorta funk feel to the bass metal to the guitar and its own original vocals
13.07.2006 - 16:10
Account deleted
"Highway star" is my favorite song! I would like to call them Alt. Metal.
14.07.2006 - 05:42
Uh... you know that's a Deep Purple song right?
14.07.2006 - 07:46
el parcero
Written by BitterCOld on 23.05.2006 at 20:11

I absolutely love the controlled chaos of Angel Dust. In my opinion it's their finest effort.

Couldn´t agree more on the 'controled chaos' you just said it. Agel Dust is for me their best album, and in general they´re a very original band with a very unique sound. That´s what I like so much about them
love is like a jar of shit with a strawberry on top
14.07.2006 - 20:50
Account deleted
MTV didn't give much of support to this band, 'cause they wanted (and still do) bands that are easy to put on one genre. Stupid dickheads (but I think that everybody knew that already).
14.07.2006 - 23:54
The Ancient One
Written by [user id=13894] on 14.07.2006 at 20:50

MTV didn't give much of support to this band, 'cause they wanted (and still do) bands that are easy to put on one genre. Stupid dickheads (but I think that everybody knew that already).

Um, actually, they gave a LOT of support to this band. There were multiple videos off "The Real Thing" which were in regular rotation. The song 'Epic' was freaking nominated for an eMpTy Vee Video Music Award...
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
14.07.2006 - 23:57
Account deleted
Written by BitterCOld on 14.07.2006 at 23:54

Written by [user id=13894] on 14.07.2006 at 20:50

MTV didn't give much of support to this band, 'cause they wanted (and still do) bands that are easy to put on one genre. Stupid dickheads (but I think that everybody knew that already).

Um, actually, they gave a LOT of support to this band. There were multiple videos off "The Real Thing" which were in regular rotation. The song 'Epic' was freaking nominated for an eMpTy Vee Video Music Award...

I remember that just for start, but after Angel Dust it kind of went down..
15.07.2006 - 00:26
The Ancient One
Not that i really want to start an argument or anything, but let it go.

According to the age listed in your profile, I was older THEN than you are now... you were, what, sperm or a three month old fetus when they released "The Real Thing" and were two, five, and seven, respectively when they released their three follow up albums. I highly doubt you vividly recall how frequently MTV aired FNM videos at five years old. While I didn't watch a lot of MTV then, I can guarantee you I watched more than you did.

Did support of them go down - sure, as musical trends moved on. And the success of "The Real Thing" (thanks in ridiculously large part to MTV) enabled the band to explore their more adventerous side on the subsequent albums. Of course, eMpTy Vee had already begun their course of abandoning music altogether on the station by the time the later albums were released. And those later albums were less accessible, so they received less airplay anywhere... not just at eMpTy Vee.

To say "MTV didn't give much of support to this band" is a horribly erroneuous statement. If it wasn't for eMpTy Vee, you would probably never heard of the band.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
15.07.2006 - 14:25
hi-fi / lo-life
They were actually a bunch of annoying idiots back in the Real Thing days, just look at some of their videos Its a good thing they matured over time. This maturation is also probably the main reason why their popularity went down...
15.07.2006 - 15:16
Valkoinen kuolem
@Bitter COld
well im not sure how big suport they haved by MTV cause i didn't watched MTV back then, and i was too young, but they surly haved suport by some comercial Tv station is thata MTV or any otehr it doesnt metter, in fact it's good they were suported im happy cause of that, cause thats reason why new generation like FNM, and i can say that saw few time FNM at MTV in past two years
On pirun vaikea selvitä hengissä hautaan saakka
It is damn difficult to stay alive till the grave
Erno Paasilinna
16.07.2006 - 00:35
The Ancient One
Eddie, I'd be shocked if you actually saw any videos, let alone FNM, on MTV in recent years. They should get it over with and change the channel name to "The Road Rules vs. the Real World" network, "Spoiled 16 YO brat TV" or just plain old _TV.

I was not defending MTV by any stretch, but was correcting a statement that was wildly inaccurate.

And I agree with you, Jup, regarding their popularity declining when their music got a little more complex and a little less poppy... which is a good thing, I suppose.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!