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The Wounded - Atlantic (Song by Song)

With: With Marco Van Der Velde [Vocals, Guitar]
Conducted by: Undercraft
Published: 06.08.2004

Band profile:

The Wounded
Album info: Atlantic

01. Hollow World
02. 18 Carat Dust
03. Running On Empty
04. Day Of Joy
05. Northern Lights
06. "Prelude"
07. Smells Like Teen Spirit [Nirvana cover]
08. We Are Darker
09. Atlantic

01. Hollow World:

Hollow world is about the fact that you have the capability to know and to be aware of your
existence and not being able to deal with that.
After lots of terrible things (in the song it is because of a loved one that died) you have to
deal with. Some of us have to escape reality and create therefore an own hollow world free from any influence from the evil real world. For example by using drugs.
Once living in that world all the troubles still haunt you.
Only they have become more intense and more hard to take then the things in real life.
There is no hiding for life, yet only deal with the dead by hoping you meet them again.
Life is not always a blessing and for some of us a very very hard barrier to take.
Musically the song has a bit of an angry character. Angry but in a way it sounds as if the person lets it hit him. There is not really a physical fight anymore, it has grown beyond that. It's all set and done. But still there is not a chance the person finds a way dealing with it. Finding peace with being paranoid and schizophrenic.

02. 18 Carat Dust:

This song is about not looking at what the world thinks of me but more about what I think about the world.
Lots of people have an identity problem and therefore pick on others to feel themselves standing above someone. This is not important.
There are lots of different things that are far more important. As a kid life can be very hard because there is always this big competition about who is the best, the smartest, the hardest and the prettiest in life. But every boy will find his girl and they all find a way living their life's the best they can. In time and with lots of patience.
Then we die. And we look at each other saying good morning and in case I don't see you anymore great afternoon and goodnight.
I wish you all the best in your life but for now fuck off.

03. Running On Empty:

Running on empty is one of my most favorite wounded songs because of the melancholic paradox it has. The lyrics are about the fact that sometimes people can't deal with things as child abuse, animal abuse and abuse of humanity.
I feel like talking revenge for that sometimes, kill the killer and protect the innocence, you
know what I mean. But I'm not Val Kilmer in his batman uniform, so I want to run away from this place. The music is a bit sad but hopeful, really strange beside the words.

04. Day Of Joy:

Day of joy is about fights within a relation.
I don't mean trouble but really heartbreaking irreversible fights.
It can be a fight between wife/girl and man/boy or between mother/father and daughter/son.
We so short time to live our life's that we must not fill them with fights that makes produces only losers never winners.
Life is too short to throw it away with breaking up and hating people you love.
But it's very hard to love those who you actually want to hate sometimes.

05. Northern Lights:

The voice of Northern lights was actually recorded by me shortly after I came back from a
funeral of someone I knew. It was very emotional.
I recorded it once and never did any dubs or whatever because I wanted it to stay pure.
Lyrically it's about dealing with death.
Instead of becoming more numb for dealing with death after lots of funerals, it only gets harder and harder to deal with.
No matter if it is your pet or a kid that dies before birth.
All biographical, I never write about happenings that are fiction.
Musically I hear Pink Floyd and Marillion in this song.
A very emotional and very intense song.
One of the best songs we've recorded ever.

06. "Prelude" :

The intro is spacey and it reminds very much to the 80ths wave synth bands.
It is the first couplet of the Nirvana cover song. The Nirvana Cover is done a bit more in our own style, musically its very different then the
original song. There were people who found it amazing that we did this song this way, but also some were very critical because they thought that we were ripping apart the original which I cant understand really.
Because you don't have to listen to it.
You can still put the nevermind album on.
But I thought by not copying the song and try to make it better or something like that I thought we were much more respecting the original Nirvana song.

07. We Are Darker:

This is a song about revenge.
I want to leave a lot of the lyrics to the interpretation of the listener so I never say to much
about it. And also with this song you can always find something in it for yourself.
It's about taking revenge at the ones who tried to break, kill or humiliate you with your
thoughts and not with real violence.
If it happens to the wounded that we will be put in jail and have to go to the courthouse
because some people wanna bring us down because of our lyrics like the Ozzy and Judas Priest cases this song will be the one I guess.
So to all the people who read our lyrics and start doing bad things because of it, always say
that the lyrics of Elvis made you do it. He won't feel anything about it anymore anyway.

08. Atlantic:

Atlantic is my favorite The wounded song.
Atlantic handles about the way we live now as human beings.
We think we are very intelligent and stand at the top on the ladder of nature.
But we will punished for that ignorance sooner or later, because nature will outlive us all.
Shame that in our journey to our extinction we pull so much of the beautiful world with us, down into our graves. I mean, how humanity lives now here in the west, we only live this way for 100 / 200 years by now.
But we have managed to reduce the fossil fuels to almost zero.
Exept for the oil, where wars are still fought about in Irak for example.
Nature will outlive us as I said because it is far much stronger and intelligent then we are.
200 years ago we were part of nature now we act as nature became part of us.
Well, sooner or later we have got to pay for that I'm sure.
The world we live in is a world of individuals, all fighting for there own peace of the earth or their own peace of convinces.
All these things get to me, like the murder of Pim Fortuyn here in Holland.
Here we like to talk about these American happenings, yet I think they became already Dutch happenings if you know what I mean. Or the war in Irak.
I think about these things very often because it is our world where it is happening in.
The question is it right or wrong the the Americans and closer the Dutch are in Iraq keeps me very busy. I see it this way a bit.
What if someone shot Hitler in 1933? I guess the whole world would speak shame of it.
Yet then they wouldn't know what would happen then.
Its always putting the question in the near future, what would happen if?
These things keep me busy. Atlantic Is about that.
"Atlantic a city stronger then nature, richer then a continent never to be slayed, yet only a
few waves of water were necessary there to swallow it whole."
And of course we never want to be a political band only as political, but politics are a part of my life. And life that is what I'm writing about.
Yet don't see me as a guy who has constantly have a rope around my neck.
I see lots of beauty in this world, and I'm not living in the woods with a anti-technology flag on my house neither. So I'm hypocrite like the rest of humanity is.
Then again what is there to choose from then?

Hits total: 1865 | This month: 1