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Asperity interview (04/2004)

With: Petri Kuusisto [Guitars]
Conducted by: Malcolm
Published: 27.04.2004

- I know many that will read this don't have a clue about how you are (Even if you and Stefan is quite famous), so take some time and introduce you and your friends in the band.

Well I'll start with me (Petri Kuusisto) started in my first real band, In Thy Dreams, when I was 14 years old; I played bass at that time. We released 3 albums with In Thy Dreams, then I joined Carnal Forge in 1997 (sometime I think?), also as a bass player but then after a line up change I switched from bass to guitar, and I still am =)
Last year Stefan Westerberg and me started up Asperity because we felt that it would be nice to make some really melodic music beside Carnal Forge (trash/death metal).
Stefan is also a member of Carnal Forge and In Thy Dreams and he also singed in Steel Attack on the first two albums. Peter Kronberg has been singing in a local cover-band and has not released anything earlier so this is his debut, and the same goes for Johan Jalonen, he has only played in local bands before.

- As I get the reason for "creating" Asperity, you and Stefan wanted to go back to your main instruments again and play something else then just Thrash/Death as in Carnal Forge, is that correct?

Yes we felt that that it would be nice to do some melodic music besides Carnal Forge, witch is our main band, and where we play on our main instruments. In Steel Attack Stefan singed and I played keyboards so we felt that that wasn't that fun anymore, so after a while we started Asperity and got to play melodic music on our main instruments.

- And was is decided from the start what kind of music you wanted to play or was it just something you figured out when rehearsal?

In the beginning we just made songs for fun and it was this kind of music that we wanted to make but the way it turned out came totally natural we just made it that way we felt. Straight from the heart!!

- You two aloes played in the Power/Heavy band Steel Attack, why did you two leave the band? Because you had to play something else than your main instruments?

Yes, as I said earlier we wanted to do this kind of music but on our main instruments =)

- How much will Asperity affect your work with Carnal Forge? I mean, you guys are in the middle of the work with the new Carnal album and then you had to promote the Asperity album, how did you get that to work?

That has not been a problem yet since we haven't played like any promotion gigs with Asperity or any gigs at all in fact, of course it would have been hard to combine lots of promotion with the Carnal Forge recording session, but next time we will have to make sure that the timing is better so we can promote the next Asperity album in a good way.

- You're signed to Spanish Arise, why did you choose them? Did they pay you most or was it some other reasons?

We choose them because we haven't heard any bad things about Arise Records. I mean, Steel Attack is signed there and they are very good friends to us so we asked then how Arise were and only got positive comments, and if a record label does a bad job you will hear about it sooner or later. Arise was the first record label we sent the demo we did not have anything else to compare with. But we are satisfied with the deal =)

- What can you tell us about the recording of the album? Did it happen something worth mention?

Ha Ha, well we worked day and nights and were quite happy nothing that we can go home direct when the mixing is completed. When we started to mix the last song we heard that there was some digital noise so we checked out the other songs, and the noise were on them to, there had been some technical failure so we almost committed suicide and was to forced do all the mixing again (not fun at all) since we all were like walking zombies, tired as hell but that's the way it can be =)

- How does the future look like? Except the release of the new Carnal Forge album, will you tour anything with Asperity or lay everything on Carnal Forge? And do you guys have any material for a successor to "The Final Demand"?

Well we hope to do some (lot) gigs with Asperity and combine it with Carnal Forge, but we'll have to wait and see how things turn out for Asperity. We have already made 4 and a half new songs so we definitely have new material for the next Asperity album. And the song writing process is no problem for Stefan and me so we will do a lot of songs so that we get to choose only the best songs.

- I hold the song "The Prey" as favourite on the album, which one is your favourite?

"Rebellion", "Never Understand" and "Will They Come", can't name just one =)

- Feel free to say whatever you want to all the readers both fans and those that never heard you.

Check out our debut album and rock on!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Thank you very much to doing this, I appreciated it. Good luck in the future, I am looking forward for a new Asperity album in the nearby future.

Thanks !!!!!

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