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Mirror Of Deception interview (10/2004)

With: Jochen Fopp - Guitars
Conducted by: Azhidahak
Published: 08.10.2004

Band profile:

Mirror Of Deception

-Could you describe your band in a few sentences ?

Mirror of Deception was formed back in 1990 near Stuttgart, Germany and we have released a couple of demos, 2 MCDs and 2 albums to date. We label ourselves unorthodox doom metal as we feel we are clearly a doom metal band but we draw influences from a wide range of music.

- Let's talk about your new album, Foregone. How would you describe it for those who haven't heard it yet?

This is the first album with the current line-up and we feel it's the best we've accomplished thus far. Just can't avoid the stereotypical shameless self-promotion here, sorry. It's heavier, darker, more atmospheric and more diverse than everything we've done in the past. Those who enjoy metal with a different approach and an own identity should give us a try.

-The art work on your album is very strange; I must admit I don't understand at all what it indicates. Could you explain that?

It's not that easy to pin it down in a few words as there are different aspects to it. Things like perishability, the fact that water gives life but can destroy it as well are in there but there are further levels to it which are hard to explain. We are fortunate to be in touch with a guy called Morti who creates artworks for us. He's a fan of the band, he has the skills and knowledge so he started to work after we sent him some rehearsal recordings and the lyrics. He came up with the cover and we instantly loved it. We don't like to use old paintings or art which has been created for a different purpose. We rather have something of our own that sets us apart. The best thing to explore it is: get the album, listen to it, read the lyrics and make up your own mind about it.

The art work of Foregone

- What are your lyrics mostly about?

There are no general themes or topics we write about. Everything from personal experiences, to thoughts, dreams, books, movies, stories we've heard - basically anything thought-provoking that surrounds us is an influence.

-Have you ever thought of playing any other style of doom - death/doom for example?

No, never. The bands that influenced us and made us want to start a band were the classic acts like Candlemass, Saint Vitus, Count Raven, Revelation, Black Sabbath, Pentagram, etc. That's were we come from and we'll always keep that in mind. So playing death/ doom was out of question for us even though we've enjoyed the Paradise Lost debut which came out around the time we formed the band. We've always thought that clear vocals offer a much wider range of expression, emotions and opportunities.

-Do you have any new plans for touring?

We'll try to embark on our next tour in 2005. We have actually talked about doing some dates outside Germany with some Scandinavian bands and we have an offer to play a couple of shows in the US, but nothing has been settled yet.

You have toured with many good doom bands including Count Raven and Reverend Bizarre. Which band has been the best one to tour with so far?

Well, that tour with Count Raven didn't materialize in the end as their singer/ guitarist Dan got sick which was very sad for both them and us. Would have been a dream come true to tour with one of the bands responsible for the foundation of MOD. Anyway, that's life. As we had already put a lot of work, time and money into it we decided to make the best out of the situation and hit the road. We played with a number of different bands at different places. The Lord Weird Slough Feg, Ironsword, Thee Plague of Gentlemen, Rising Dust, Rise and Shine to name a few. It turned out really good, was a lot of fun and we've received a lot of positive feedback. There will be a tour diary available on our website in a little while. Before that we have been on tour with our mates End of Green in 2001 and in 2003 with the package Revelation/ Reverend Bizarre. Both tours were great, it fitted very well both musically and on a personal level.

- How popular is doom-metal in Germany? I know there are many good doom bands from Germany, but are there also many people that are interested in doom metal?

It's for sure no major trend here. But there is a dedicated following, a small group of bands and doom lovers. Not many venues are booking doom bands though. There is enough interest for an event like the annual Doom Shall Rise festival, but still not enough audience and venues for a couple of doom packages on the road simultaneously.

- What about side projects? Have you ever thought of doing anything beside Mirror of Deception?

A few years ago I've been involved in something that was meant to be in the vein of epic Bathory, but it didn't get any further than 2-3 rehearsals. It didn't really matter though as I have always felt that I can express everything I have to say musically and lyrically in this band sooner or later. Our singer/ guitarist Michael and our drummer Jochen (Müller) have a heavy metal cover band called Grand Final Stand since the late 90s but that's more of a fun thing for them, playing some old classics every now and then.

- You also speak Swedish, how is that? *laughs*

I have always had a soft spot for the country, the way of life, culture, music and the people there plus I'm a snus addict. At one point I fell in love with a girl from Sweden so I just started to listen and learned. A bit like Antonio Banderas in "The 13th Warrior" maybe. I try to spend my holidays there whenever I can afford it and have Swedish friends and bands I'm in touch with, so that helps.

-Which label is in your opinion the best label for doom-metal bands?

There is no single label that can be described as "the" doom label right now in my opinion. Miskatonic Foundation and Psychedoomelic come to mind, they have issued a lot of quality releases. We have found a new home in Final Chapter Records and we'll see how it develops. They have some great releases in the pipeline and I think it's a label with a bright future.

-Which are the latest albums that you have bought?

It's been quite a few lately: The Lord Weird Slough Feg: Traveller + Twilight of the Idols; Pentagram: Show 'em how; Witchcraft: same; The Coffinshakers: Dark Wings over Finland; Rainbow: Rising and Sigur Rós: Ágætis Byrjun.

- Of course I also always like to ask some questions that are not related to music, hehe, so here are some short questions:

*Favourite books:

Just read Lemmy Kilmister's autobiography "White Line Fever" while we were on tour. Excellent book, full of wisdom and experience. The Celtic Frost biography was a good read, too. Apart from that I do also enjoy the works of H.P. Lovecraft, Clive Barker, Tom Sharpe and some German authors no one outside Germany has ever heard about.

*Favourite movies:

I don't like all that blown-up fake Hollywood shit, all the action crap with tons of explosions and special effects replacing the story. I´d rather search for independent, obscure or long forgotten movies that make a difference and tell a real story.

*Favourite TV series:

Must be Father Ted and The League of Gentlemen.

*Day or night? :

There's no day without night and no night without day so both are good for different activities.

*Hate or Depression? :

Both are familiar feelings which have their places and times in life.

*Candlemass vs Saint Vitus?:

Candlemass as they have opened the gates of doom for me. Saint Vitus was the first doom band I saw live though and they are very important for me as well.

-Thanks a lot for your time, any last words for you fans?

Thanks for this interview and the opportunity to speak. For more information and updates about the band check our website - Lead leads!

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