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Topic creation is disabled in the Serious Discussions forum. If you want to create a thread that deals with a "serious" matter, create it in the General forum. If many people are interested and that Mods determine that a serious discussion is actually taking place, they will move it.

Please keep those discussions serious. You MUST reply to the threads in this forum with valid and well-thought arguments.

Remember to stay polite to your fellow Metalstormers, even if you're having a debate due to completely opposite opinions.
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in topic titles   in messages

Pornography and prostitution 631
Global Warming 173
Fidel Castro Steps Down 83
Over Population 268
School education - another form of manipulation? 184
Peer Pressure 24
Abortion 652
Paganism 141
Guns...? 363
Syria - Military Forces Commit Massacre in Al Houla 48
Religion: Double Standards 314
Cloning 136
Do YouTube? 21