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Play it right, or dont play at all, boy!

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12.11.2009 - 04:46
Lord TJ
Somewhere along the road of musicians we have all experienced someone who claims how its done, the "correct" way to play guitar. Maybe even a process, such as starting off by learning chords and scales on an acoustic before touching an electric.

Lets be real, how many guitarists that are famous learned on their own? It frustrates me when people are arrogant like that. If I can find a way to do something that works best for me, then that way I shall!

What ways do you guys have, that one would consider incorrect? For example, when I do squeals, I touch the string with my index finger, not my thumb. I just cant get it with my thumb, not that I never can, its just more difficult.
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15.11.2009 - 19:37
Angelic Storm
I don't think there is any "right" way to play guitar. If that were the case, all the top players would have the same techniques, and I think we all know how true that is! A lot of people comment on how weird Marty Friedman's picking style is, for example. But how many of us would want that "weird" picking style if we could play like him!

I am completely self-taught. Never had a lesson in my life, and can't read music. I think doing this in the long run, gives you a more unique style, as you're not copying anyone else. I do think in some ways I might be a better player if I had had lessons, but I know some great guitar players who were self taught.
15.11.2009 - 22:08
I had people tell me a couple times that the way I played was wrong... One time, I was trying to jam with this guitar virtuoso and he was giving me shit for not knowing some terminologys for certain techniques telling me that, "There's no such thing as not learning these terms, I'm in the army and look at me, I'm amazing! I dont have that much free time on my hands but I still do it".

Oh god, don't get me started on cello.. on every song the direction to which you use the bow is pre-determined, and if I got it wrong it would be like the end of the world for him. Uptight musicians in general piss me off. Don't get me wrong, theres nothing wrong with being disciplined but shit.. if the music becomes more about how "accurate" you play, than whats the point? Music is an art, its made to appreciated and expressed so obviously peoples style in which they feel comfy with be different.

On a positive note, for years one of my friends who also is a bass player was telling me that playing with fingers instead of a pick on a bass will do me much better. I thought he was just being a douche, but now I'm glad that I switched things up - my skills are that much better now.
16.11.2009 - 02:29
Arian Totalis
The Philosopher
Written by Angelic Storm on 15.11.2009 at 19:37

I don't think there is any "right" way to play guitar. If that were the case, all the top players would have the same techniques, and I think we all know how true that is! A lot of people comment on how weird Marty Friedman's picking style is, for example. But how many of us would want that "weird" picking style if we could play like him!

I am completely self-taught. Never had a lesson in my life, and can't read music. I think doing this in the long run, gives you a more unique style, as you're not copying anyone else. I do think in some ways I might be a better player if I had had lessons, but I know some great guitar players who were self taught.

You might be self taught, but merely because you have formal training doesn't mean you're immitating anyone. You can be completely your own musician if you take lessons or if you're self taught. It just depends on your approach and how often you practice.

As for me, well, like the previous two posts, I would say that there is no such thing as playing "wrong" unless you are doing something completely retarded, like trying to play a guitar by hanging it to a rope and throwing nickels at it lol. that obviously would not work. But in general, there isn't any real "wrong" method or style.
"For the Coward there is no Life
For the hero there is No Death"
-Kakita Toshimoko

"The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.
17.11.2009 - 04:11
Lord TJ
Written by Angelic Storm on 15.11.2009 at 19:37

I am completely self-taught. Never had a lesson in my life, and can't read music. I think doing this in the long run, gives you a more unique style, as you're not copying anyone else. I do think in some ways I might be a better player if I had had lessons, but I know some great guitar players who were self taught.

I never had anyone teach me to play either, aside from a few guitarists I know showing me cool tricks but I think we all had those. I had a teacher try to teach me music for a month, but it didnt get anywhere.
Visit the "Black Metal Page" on facebook, my page delivers everything black metal - Memes - Music - Humor - Interviews - Discussion.
17.11.2009 - 13:50
Valentin B
Well, i'd say there are ways to play "wrong", as in when what you play unintentionally doesn't sound musical at all. of course there are ways to sound weird but still good. examples: - BAD weird solo - GOOD weird solo
17.11.2009 - 14:03
Angelic Storm
Written by Valentin B on 17.11.2009 at 13:50

Well, i'd say there are ways to play "wrong", as in when what you play unintentionally doesn't sound musical at all. of course there are ways to sound weird but still good. examples: - BAD weird solo - GOOD weird solo

LMAO! Putting Fred Durst against Buckethead, is hardly fair! I didnt even think Fred could play guitar.

Buckethead is just insane... I could only dream of being that good... His sweep picking and tapping is awesome.
19.11.2009 - 22:16
Written by Angelic Storm on 17.11.2009 at 14:03

Written by Valentin B on 17.11.2009 at 13:50

Well, i'd say there are ways to play "wrong", as in when what you play unintentionally doesn't sound musical at all. of course there are ways to sound weird but still good. examples: - BAD weird solo - GOOD weird solo

LMAO! Putting Fred Durst against Buckethead, is hardly fair! I didnt even think Fred could play guitar.

Buckethead is just insane... I could only dream of being that good... His sweep picking and tapping is awesome.

Aww... He's trying so hard to act like a real musician. LMAO... It's sad, really...

You don't need lessons or formal training to be a good guitar player... I mean, look at Dimebag. Not only is he one of the all time best, but by far one of the most original, too. I only had a year of lessons and got the basics down... everything else I learned by ear over the years, and I just practice all the time.
All we are is the passion that burns inside us
20.11.2009 - 01:15
Angelic Storm
Written by Warlock84 on 19.11.2009 at 22:16
Aww... He's trying so hard to act like a real musician. LMAO... It's sad, really...

You don't need lessons or formal training to be a good guitar player... I mean, look at Dimebag. Not only is he one of the all time best, but by far one of the most original, too. I only had a year of lessons and got the basics down... everything else I learned by ear over the years, and I just practice all the time.

It is sad, I dont think anyone takes Fred or Limp Bizkit seriously apart from their fans.

I've always played by ear. I dont read tabs much for two reasons. Most arent 100% accurate, and there's no way of knowing if the tab is the "real" way to play the song, as only official tabs guarantee that. I might be a better player now with lessons, and it certainly took me longer to become good than if I did have them, but Im reasonably happy with my guitar skills, if still a little frustrated.
20.11.2009 - 01:19
I've always played by ear. I dont read tabs much for two reasons. Most arent 100% accurate, and there's no way of knowing if the tab is the "real" way to play the song, as only official tabs guarantee that. I might be a better player now with lessons, and it certainly took me longer to become good than if I did have them, but Im reasonably happy with my guitar skills, if still a little frustrated.

Playing guitar is a learning process. I don't think you can reach a point where you are 100% satisfied. There is always something new to practice or to learn. I love that about playing because I know I will NEVER get bored with it.
All we are is the passion that burns inside us
20.11.2009 - 01:27
Angelic Storm
Written by Warlock84 on 20.11.2009 at 01:19
Playing guitar is a learning process. I don't think you can reach a point where you are 100% satisfied. There is always something new to practice or to learn. I love that about playing because I know I will NEVER get bored with it.

You're totally right! I know there's lots of areas were I could be better, or improve on. And while that can be very frustrating at times, I also love the challenge of it. I also find the sense of achievement when I finally nail a part Ive been having trouble with for a while, is worth any frustration I had in trying to learn it.
20.11.2009 - 01:46
You're totally right! I know there's lots of areas were I could be better, or improve on. And while that can be very frustrating at times, I also love the challenge of it. I also find the sense of achievement when I finally nail a part Ive been having trouble with for a while, is worth any frustration I had in trying to learn it.

I couldn't have put it better myself.
All we are is the passion that burns inside us
24.05.2012 - 17:05
In music there is no "right" and "wrong". Every musician plays what he/she feels. What is more, self-taught players develop their own styles that are then copied by others (example: Steve Harris).
{}::::::[]:::::::::::::::::> ONLY DEATH IS REAL <:::::::::::::::::[]::::::{}
Rest In Peace: Bon Scott, Dave G. Halliday, Michael "Destructor" Wulf, Jerry Fogle, Quorthon, Witchhunter
02.01.2013 - 15:17
I don't think there are 'right' and 'wrong' ways to play guitar. But there are efficient and inefficent ways. Not every technique is going to feel comfortable or come naturally to you but (in the short time I've been playing guitar) I've had to correct a lot of playing habits that are traditionally seen as bad technique, and I've honestly seen an improvement in my playing because of it.