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Metal X Radio is looking for new DJ's

Posts: 8   Visited by: 24 users
12.09.2010 - 19:43
I Hate You
Hey all. I'll try to make this short and sweet. Our station could use your help.

1) DJ's: We're looking for some new DJ's. We're based, primarily, in the US, but have listeners all over the world. Due to everyday life and responsibilities, we aren't usually in the position to have DJ's on during US daylight.. and thus, our international listeners don't usually get live DJ's. This is important to us, as we really want to give our listeners more than just mindless bot playlists. We want interaction and the ability to take requests. We want our international listeners to know that they, too, are being represented. We also play podcasts... so if you don't want to do a live show and would rather send us something polished and pre-recorded, we have no issues with that.

Also, keep in mind that we're just a small group of dedicated metalheads who put on shows and play all sorts of metal on our station for zero pay. That's right, we all do this for free. All costs for equipment and broadcasting have come from the pockets of myself and the station owners. Do we care? No.. because we love metal of all genres. That said, we are always open to new bands and ideas. What our DJ's play is entirely up to them and the listeners who send the requests.

Ideally, we discussed having DJ's from Europe and Australia. But, overall.. we're just looking for some good, dedicated metalheads who will play kick-ass tunes for the love of the music, no matter where you're from. For the record, we broadcast using the SAM Broadcaster and Shoutcast.

2) UNSIGNED BANDS: One of the main goals of Metal X Radio is to promote and play UNSIGNED bands - good, quality, unsigned metal acts who deserve exposure. Metal X wants YOU to send us these bands. And not only will we play these bands.. but we will also do live interviews on the air with them.

3) LISTENERS: We're always wanting to expand our listening audience. Our listeners have helped us to build and promote Metal X from the get-go. Not only do they listen and send us requests, but they have also taken it upon themselves to spread the word. They tell their friends, they post links, they have even downloaded and passed out our flyers at various metal events. We do not ask them to do this, but it sure is awesome when they do.

I've been a member of Metal Storm for a long time and I love this site. I've seen the reviews people have written and the level of love and dedication you all have for Metal music. When I am on air, I give props to MetalStorm when I grab trivia bits and news from the site. I would love for Metal Storm to have its own featured show on our station... so if any of the Metal Storm staff can (and wants to) be a part of this, that would be great.

Horns up, fuckers.
13.09.2010 - 18:19
I'm interested .. how can i help ?

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
13.09.2010 - 19:09
I Hate You
Written by Zombie on 13.09.2010 at 18:19

I'm interested .. how can i help ?

If you are interested in DJ'ing.. send me a PM to tell me a bit about yourself. Are you familiar with the broadcasting software? If not, it's easy to learn. Give me a quick rundown of the kind of show you'd like to do. Will it be a general variety of metal? Will be be sticking primarily to one sub-genre? Do you have some kind of theme? Do you have any issues with doing your show in English?

If you know of any good unsigned bands from your part of the world, send them my way.

Maybe add Metal X Radio to your bookmarks, or something. Tune in and listen every now and then. Send requests. Spread the word.
13.09.2010 - 19:59
Check ur inbox

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
15.09.2010 - 00:10
Mhm I'm quite interested.
My music blog - Updated regularly.
To live is to think - Cicero
15.09.2010 - 06:22
I Hate You
Written by ß on 15.09.2010 at 00:10

Mhm I'm quite interested.

Awesome! Check out my previous post, Brendan. Drop me a line with your thoughts.
16.09.2010 - 01:25
Account deleted
Since I have no job and I don't wake up until 11 AM, I'd gladly help with the show from 1 to 3 or somewhere in there.
17.09.2010 - 07:54
I Hate You
Written by [user id=5630] on 16.09.2010 at 01:25

Since I have no job and I don't wake up until 11 AM, I'd gladly help with the show from 1 to 3 or somewhere in there.

Sounds like we're in the same jobless boat. Check out my previous reply detailing what I'd need you to send me.

Also, Brendan.. I'll be replying to your PM soon. Been a bit busy the past couple of days.