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Written by: Lost One
Published: February 27, 2005
Event: Epica

Alright, so I had already seen Nightwish and Within Temptation in concert and both of the shows were amazing. Still, there was one more name on my list. Epica. Sooner or later, I wanted to see them perform. Luckily for me, the band decided to come and play in a concert almost next door, so I didn't hesitate and bought myself a ticket. They'd also be getting support from Xystus, a band I had never heard of before. I'd have to see them and decide for myself if they're any good.

When it was finally time for me to go to the gig, I decided to leave early so I could get close to the stage. Standing outside the concert hall, I noticed how many people were already waiting to get inside and how many more were still arriving. De Tavenu is more of a big barn than a concert hall, so I'd say there were around 300 people tonight, nicely filling up the place. I got to stand right in front of the stage and I decided not to go for any drinks between the two shows to secure my excellent spot.

After what seemed like an everlasting soundcheck, the boys from Xystus (pronounce: Exystus) entered the stage. Their first song of tonight's setlist was Into The Void, taken off their new album, and the first word that came to my mind while they started playing was 'brilliant'! This band was a complete surprise! A mix between heavy and power metal, these guys have hardly managed to make a name for themselves so far, but I see for them a magnificent future as a band. They can play alright, and the voice of Bas, the singer, is amazing.

Their setlist was way too short in my opinion, but every song they played seemed more enjoyable than the last. One song that especially struck me was Everlasting Burden, a very heavy song which the band seemed to enjoy playing more than any other song off the album. Well, it's no real surprise, the guitar work in the song is amazing and the singing is even more important than in other songs. The very last song on the list was a cover, a reproduction of a very popular 90's dance song I'm not going to name. I can tell you though, I like the heavy metal version one hell of a lot better!

Then, after a good 45 minutes of playing, it was time for Xystus to clear the field and make room for their big brothers (and sister) Epica. I attended the gig with a friend of mine and remembering some pictures of Simone, the singer from Epica, I joked to her about the crew needing fans on stage to make her hair fly up as in the pictures. Then suddenly, this big fat guy comes walking up the stage, carrying a couple of big fans! I couldn't believe my eyes and my friend laughed at me saying I'd make a good living as a psychic.

Finally, after another time-consuming soundcheck, the first tunes of 'Adyta' started emerging from the speakers and the band's keyboard player and drummer entered the stage, soon followed by Mark Janssen, the head guitarist, and the other guitar and bass players. Their mind seemed to be set on just one thing, entertaining, and entertainment is what we got! The minute they started playing, I realised I should throw away my Epica CD as soon as I got home, because the damn thing does no justice to this amazing band! Their live act is amazing and I was getting really excited now.

When the first wave of metal madness was over, it was time for Simone to enter the stage. She came running up to the mic and started singing the first song of tonight's setlist, Sensorium. I'm sorry to say something like this in a serious review, but man, she is HOT!! Dressed in leather trousers and a see-through top, I couldn't help but keep my eyes fixed on her for the first five minutes of the gig. Anyway, I noticed that her voice was at it's best tonight, her singing was fantastic and the crew seemed to have worked on the sound installation in between the two shows. Where it was actually hard to understand Bas's singing when Xystus was playing, Simone's high, operatic voice could be clearly heard above the sound wall Mark and his comrades provided.

Epica's setlist was both very impressive and surprising. They played five songs from their new album Consign To Oblivion, which will not be released until the end of April. I noticed the obvious difference between these songs and the songs off their debut album. The singing was a little less operatic, the guitar work a lot faster and overall a lot heavier than The Phantom Agony.
I found it to my liking though, the new songs were amazing. It's a shame I can't remember any of the titles, but it was quite hard to understand Simone's voice after my ears had been molested by the noise of the music.

In one and a half hours, all the great Epica songs came by and I especially recall Run For A Fall, Cry For The Moon and The Phantom Agony as being great live songs the band totally and thoroughly enjoyed playing. Mark's grunts were a lot better tonight than they are on the album and it was fun to see Simone banging her head harder and faster than any of the guys on stage or in the crowd.

When the clock struck midnight, the gig was over. After two extra songs, the band decided to call it quits and left behind a cheering crowd. What I got to see tonight was more than I could ever have hoped for and this goes for both Epica and Xystus. Satisfied, I went back outside to get my coat, but not before buying myself an official Epica vest to show to the world that I'm among the lucky few to have seen them live tonight under such great conditions. If any of you ever get a chance to see them, then please do so, because even if you're not into this kind of metal, they'll make it worth your while!

- Rens "Lost One" Simons

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