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Cemetery Urn


2006-  A. Gillon - guitars, bass
2016-2018  Chris Volcano - vocals
› 2022-  -//-
2019-  Brandon Gawith - drums
2023-  Joel Westbrook - bass
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2006-2007  Matt Sanders - drums
2006-2013  D. Bloodstorm - vocals
› 2020-2022  -//-
2007-2012  Andrew Howard Livingstone-Squires - bass
2008-2010  Xavier Lawrence - drums
2010-2019  Matt Crossingham - drums
2012-2013  Themi Rentos - bass
2012-NA  D. Maccioni - guitars
2018-2020  S. Geoffrey - vocals, bass
2021-2023  Bo Remy - bass
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Do you fancy yourself nothing more than some straightforward solid OSDM? Well, Cemetery Urn may just have what you're looking for with Suffer The Fallen, as it is solid OSDM and nothing more.
Review by AndyMetalFreak ››

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