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Shai Hulud

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


1995-  Matthew Ian "Matt" Fox - guitars
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1995  Jason Lederman - drums
1995  Damien Moyal - vocals
1995-1998  Chad Gilbert - vocals
› 2012-2013  -//-
1995-1999  Dave Silber - bass
1996-1998  Oliver Chapoy - guitars
1996-1999  Steve Kleisath - drums
1998-2002  "Mad" Matt Fletcher - guitars
› 2002-2013  -//- bass
1999-2000  Andrew Gormley - drums
› 2004-2005  -//-
› 2006-2008  -//-
1999-2003  Geert van der Velde - vocals
2000-2001  Spikey Goldbach - drums
2000-2002  Jared Allen - bass
2002  Chris Cardinal - drums
2002-2004  Tony Tintari - drums
2003  Dane Metcalfe - guitars
2003-2006  Matt Canning - guitars
2005-2006  Eric Dellon - drums, vocals
2006-2009  Matt Mazzali - vocals
› 2015  -//-
2007-2008  Gregory "Greg" Thomas - guitars
2008-2009  Chad Kishick - guitars
2009-2010  Tim O'Leary - guitars
2009-2011  Danny Shuman - drums, vocals
2009-2012  Mike Moynihan - vocals
2009-2013  Matt Covey - drums
2012-2013  Elijah Harper Carnat - bass, vocals
2013-2014  Justin Kraus - vocals
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2003-2005  Geert van der Velde - vocals
› 2009  -//-
2004  Chad Gilbert - vocals
2005-2006  Ryan Burns - guitars
2006  Brian Go - drums
2008  Shane Shook - drums
2009  Mike Justain - drums
2009-2010  Aaron Goodrich - drums
2009-2010  Steve Muczynski - bass
› 2013  -//-
2011-2012  Tony DelMonego - guitars
2012-2013  Justin Shepp - bass
2012-2014  Thomas Colello - guitars
2013  Rick Maldonado - bass
2013  Nathan Gluck - bass
2013-2014  Eric English - bass
2013-2015  Dave Joyal - drums
2014-2015  Billy Nottke - bass
2015  John Abernathy - guitars
2015  Eddie Collins - bass, guitars
2015  Mike - bass
2015-2016  Dustin Albright - bass
2016  Matty Carlock - vocals
2016  Stefan Hojnacki - guitars
2016  Anthony Benedict - vocals
2016  Chris Mounts - drums
2017  Jackson Bunz - vocals

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