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Prophecy Of Doom - The Peel Sessions lyrics


01. Insanity Reigns Supreme

In a scene not mature enough for the ideals they hold
Your methods moan failure
Reality moaned failure
But still that's nothing new
We must raze the mental state
Insanity being our only future

I can't take life, it's too close, it's too real
It's too much for I can feel the insanity stilled
Contradicting itself with the truth is a lie
Which face of the face do I face?

We're mauled by subliminal greed
Again that's nothing new
But when intentions drip with pus
Deny forced unwanted conditioning

You can't take life, it's too close, it's too real
It's too much, can yoiu feel the insanity stilled?
Contradicting itself with the truth is a lie
Which face of the face do you face?

I once held the yardstick of another's perfection
I threw it down and carved my own

We can't take life, it's too close, it's too real
It's too much for we can feel the insanity stilled
Contradicting itself with the truth is a lie
Which face of the face do we face?

Who can take life if it's too close, too real
If it's too much - who can feel the insanity stilled?
If a contradiction with the truth is a lie?
Which face of the face can we face?

02. Earth Reality Victim

Love deception, affair correction
It must be - mutilated death

Deep inside feel the rage
Forgotten morality, you're not to blame
Twisted reality will help you through time
Forthcoming revenge - a friend you will find
To ease your pain, they both must die
Your act of death - your duty and mine
Their lives you find with death then severe
Now together they will be forever

03. Rancid Oracle?

Their forced conditioning, their slave imbalance
The all-seeing lie
Their dominant ego will embrace no other
The all-seeing lie
Their truth perversion and mass assertion
The all-seeing lie
Apparent to everyone and fooling no-one
Devoid of concern - we watch and learn

A lesson to all the fallen again fall
Blind from intangible dreams
Our hate is justified
Deny false expressions of tolerance
The isolation of self-expression means nothing now
Complexities fuse, insanity reigns supreme
Safe in its caress I laugh

The all-seeing lie

The mock you hold of me throws me into bliss
For the old must meet the new, the whole not partial view
Re-arrange your minds, redirect your fate
Live your new life
Madness now the guide

04. Hybrid Thought

Bow down and die

The pinnacle of domination is now within reach
It's the proficient control of our minds that they seek
Their study of our instincts is beyond all comparison
From our ritual conformity to the 'dare' of fashion

When thought control by breath becomes the reality
Our 'paranoid' dictatorship will not be mere fantasy
And what if those thoughts, they won't leave your head?
Their thoughts in our breath - breathe in, they said

Breathing for fun? No breathing in death
Breathing for life, I breathe with the rest
The one thing we do together in breath
We breathe in each other the worst and the best
Breathe in our hopes, breathe in our tears
But what if they plan to force in your fears?
And what if we breathe in the will of another?
We now have no choice - wou breathe or we suffer
We suffer
I suffer
You suffer