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Ad Vitam Aeternam - Abstract Senses lyrics


02. Picture Of Dorian Gray

Staring at the one occupying the picture
Both envy and hate got a grip on me
Time wouldn't fade the lines of his face.

Admired and lusted after by some noble guests
As you would be kept clear of by those who would've brought you up to deity.

I wish time would avoid me like the plague
And devour the gentle outlines on his face.
To do so I would sell my soul to the devil.
No need to grieve, night is drawing near.
Will take away my daydream and sink into the ocean of stranger thoughts.

Your prayer sounds enchantress to me like a spell
Get drunk on my words by yearning for this new life offering itself.

I've been listened to by the Evil One
who has made my prayer come true.
I've lost all kind of sleep?

The ones that once loved me died in the net of my pride and imposture?

Now I feel ashamed.
Cannot hide away from the curse that prevails in me.

Each night I crowd round your soul and your
nastiest thoughts taste like exquisite food.

I happened to believe from pain burden I could be freed.

Once upon a human, dust do dust, ashes to ashes
And once upon a vampire, vestige for centuries?

All the more beautiful the suffer is.
Unwelcome gift? immortality!

Admired and lusted after as you would be kept clear of by those who would've brought you up to deity?

This obscene face gazing at me
To disclose the cruel truth of my being.

I wish you dead, I'm losing grip all the same.
Mankind? can't you see this is killing me?

04. Phoney Icons

Lost moments blown away?
They are wounds time cannot heal?
I looked at you as a friend,
I looked at you as a guide,
I wanted to be perfect,
perfect as a child?
I looked at you as a friend,
I looked at you as a guide,
I just wanted to be perfect,
but all your trusted were phoney icons.

All I ever felt, I never could forgive.
All I ever dreamt was far out of reach.
I never thought it would
come out to this. I never thought
you'd reject me like this.

I looked deep inside your mind,
I saw the pain you tried to hide,
well, your look was so pathetic to me.
I looked deep inside your mind
I saw the pain you tried to hide,
then I saw you lying as screwed as me.
Now it's too late.

All I ever wanted, a little peace of mind.
All I ever trusted are things I left behind.
I never thought it could turn out like this,
I never thought it would get sour like this.
Cause I'm hooked too?

Your heart turned to stone, it makes me
sick to hear that all we felt was crap!
Do you see what I am at? I love
you best but you played in with me.
Why did you throw the Jack of Hearts
away? I can't make it anymore and
I feel hopelessly weighed down
by your eyes of steel. You know,
there are wounds time can't heal.

You slipped away, your world is not mine!
Recurring memories emerge with the
fear of darkness, a cool breeze down my spine?
Lost moments blown away, let there be a sad mood!
Phoney icons are just synonymous
with love, hate, death and freedom?

05. In The Throes Of Apocalypse

Shadows rushing in the sky like fanatical riders,
winds are beating strong down on our lands?
No one ought to offend against the majestic Nature
You know how terrible her war hymn can be!

Shadows rushing in the sky like fanatical riders
Beginning a crazy run against all existence?
Drinking light and swallowing up in a smoke patch the screams of the repented.
Inside of you burns the guilty feeling not having been able to tame her;
Soon the walls will fall down?
and from her womb, the ultimate sigh?

Clamours arising from red-glowing plains,
while breaking off this deadly silence.
All you have been creating will disappear from her infallible soul.

Winds beating down on a weird purifying blaze.

Facing the power of the time being, all past fades away.

You bend yourself, you can't avoid her judgement.
Waters awakening from longstanding sleep flood over.
The land stakes of dissension, where innocent rotting bodies are lying, secretly bound to
a dreadful master.

So goes on the deadly dance only wearing another costume.
You bred your own torturer but she's been ahead!
The more you will curse each of her whims, the more you will not
Help yourself but yielding to her furor.

Excited by the lust for power and cruelty
You made a servant of the weakest one by setting up your reign of pain.
Your tears will wash away in vain the lands your folly stained.
Your body's shaken with fear.
Now your look reveals your true nature.

06. Les Méandres De L'Ame

A présent que tu erres
A travers des terres
Qui me sont étrangčres
Lŕ oů la nuit est souveraine?

Parfois ton visage émerge
De cette foule incandescente?
Je vois alors clair en moi.

Je reste prisonničre
De peur que tu ne disparaisses,
Tel un amer souvenir,
Qui hanterait mon âme.

Je chanterai ce blâme,
Pétrifiée dans ma destinée.
Les anges t'ont pris la main
Puis ont scellé ton dam.

Parfois ta voix caresse me sens
Et me laisse dans l'absence
De ce monde rempli de messages insensés.

Sons, couleurs s'évanouissent autour de moi,
Je m'achemine vers un monde invisible
Oů rčgnent les songes.

Je reste prisonničre
De peur que tu ne disparaisses,
Tel un amer souvenir,
Qui hanterait mon âme.

En moi survit l'espoir
Un jour de te revoir.
Ensemble, remontons le temps
Et gagnons notre sphčre originelle !

Ta voix me parvient,
Etouffée par les cris des damnés?
Et ta douleur se déverse
Dans les méandres de mon âmes?

May that ghost way cast my spell to void
By taking away with my life coldness, pain and oblivion.

08. The Grievous Musician

Playing with your fingertips
on the strings of my weaknesses,
I don't want to be your muse.
I pray that you will free me
from the weight of your dire chords.
Thus putting down the bow of your
desires, kind of echoes inside of me,
I pray for my soul's ears
To get deaf to your harmonies!

Your hope is my despair,
A lullaby for my sorrows,
I am only the si minor.
From your score where you carelessly
drop the eighth of your inspiration.
How I wish I was nothing but a sigh
and not the reflection of your ego

While the melodious flow of my tears
composes the sound of your harmonies,
I pray so that this prelude
marks the end of this sonata!
While my heartbeats give its rhythm
to the tones of your tempo,
I pray so that your music
finally falls in eternal silence.

While I keep chanting your lyrical works,
I implore your uttermost feeling?
May you stop directing my life!