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The Last Concert You Attended

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Posted by Deadsoulman, 16.10.2007 - 09:33
Ok people, like the old one, this is the place to tell us your latest concert experiences!

I'll start by pasting my last message in the old thread:

I saw Behemoth, Kataklysm, Aborted and Lyfthrasyr on Sunday.

As I may write a report about this one, I won't say much. Just that Kataklysm, and above all Behemoth, were amazing. Really. Absolutely amazing. I've been blown away, even if it was the third time this year I was seeing Behemoth live (after the No Mercy fest and the Hellfest). But, as headliners, they are even better.

Ok, I'll just give you the setlists of the last two bands, for those who care
Setlist Kataklysm:
Like Angels (Weeping The Dark)
Let Them Burn
Ambassador Of Pain
The Resurrected
Crippled & Broken
Serenity In Fire
Where The Enemy Sleeps...
Beyond Salvation
As I Slither
Face The Face Of War
Manipulator Of Souls
In Shadows And Dust

Setlist Behemoth:
Rome 64 C.E.
Slaying The Prophets Of Isa
Antichristian Phenomenon
From The Pagan Vastlands
Conquer All
Christgrinding Avenue
Drum Solo
Slaves Shall Serve
As Above So Below
Summoning Of the Ancient Gods
Christians To The Lions
Decade Of Therion
Chant For Eschaton 2000

I Got Erection (Turbonegro cover)

To reply to another post in the old thread, both bands played approximately 75 minutes.

Next to come is Enslaved and Keep Of Kalessin tomorrow
13.08.2010 - 11:45
Account deleted
The Brew opening for Jackiem Joyner. Latin Jazz and Soul Jazz. But some bitch ruined the show by constantly screaming Yeah Baby! Fukk that bitch!
13.08.2010 - 21:44
Corpus Christi

They have a sick new video they just put up

I saw them when they passed through illinois not to long ago and they have a sick live performance

This is the video for their new song
17.08.2010 - 22:12
Kavarna Rock Fest
It was a 3-day festival with headliners such as Tarja and Doro Pesch the first day, Sodom and Kreator the second and Accept the third. The atmosphere was really amazing and the bands performed really well, I especially liked Korpiklaani who seemed the most happy to be there and had an amazing performance.
For there is a purpose and reason
Beyond all human apprehension
The shrieking silence in the blackness of space
18.08.2010 - 18:44
I just saw a show yesterday actually. There were 3 bands on the bill, 2 of them local and the headliners Mesrine from Quebec City. I managed to run across a guy I knew at the show so that made it more enjoyable. The first band up were Disleksick, they play very crusty grindcore, with plenty of feedback and a raw sound. This was my first time seeing them and I thought they were pretty good. The second band up was Fetus Feast, they were alright, I enjoyed them for about the first 3 songs but slam death metal gets quite boring after awhile. Mesrine were up last and all I can say is they were awesome, so much damn energy despite there only being about 10 people in the entire venue at that point in time. After the show I managed I managed to hang out with the drummer from Disleksick and 2 members from Mesrine for awhile, they all were pretty cool guys.
My music blog - Updated regularly.
To live is to think - Cicero
23.08.2010 - 07:25
Lactation Cnslt
Three days consecutive of metal!

Day 1:

Bonded by Blood
Second time seeing them and they blew me away yet again! Super fast thrash that was so brutal that they had to end one song early because the drummer broke his equipment

Holy Grail
I've never heard of them before, but they were good - kind of like Savage Messiah. They only have a 2 song EP released, but I'll be interested in hearing their full length whenever it comes out. I was annoyed that they played after BBB, but whatever

Malevolent Creation
Best band of the night! Brett Hoffman is so much more brutal live than on CD and Phil's guitar tone was great live. I wish their set was longer, but overall they were flawless. Favorite songs were probably Blood Brothers, Malevolent Creation, or Eve of the Apocalypse. My only disappointment was that they didn't play my favorite songs from The Will to Kill, but they still put on one of the best live death metal performances I've ever seen.

Thankfully, they were much better than when I saw them last time, but still nothing extraordinary.


Day 2:

Ceremonial Castings
This was my 5th time seeing this band, and even though they played better than normal, they were still just average and the drummer still sucks. I don't usually takes pictures from my shitty cell phone camera, but I think this looks pretty cool (can't use the popular image hosting sites cos of work filters, so hopefully this shows up):

Funeral Age
Really average local black metal band with an arrogant lead singer - not bad at all though

Shawn from Insidious Decrepancy/Viral Load filled in for Matti on vocals and holy shit was this brutal - probably the most brutal live band I've ever seen. Shawn's gutturals and squeels were sick as fuck and he maximized his stage presence with his crazy facial expressions. I talked to ever band member and they were all real cool dudes. Plus, it turns out I look EXACTLY like Dave Astor... kind of creepy actually

Destroyer 666
I was so happy I thought I was going to cry. Finally was able to see one of my all time favorite bands and they did not disappoint. They played pretty much every song that I wanted to

Really average live, but their new drummer is fucking nuts. For some reason, after they finished, we all screamed and chanted for an encore, so they came back out and played one unplanned live song, and seemed humbled by the crowd reaction.


Day 3: Summer Slaughter Tour

Vital Remains
Third and best time seeing this band - unfortunately they were only able to play two songs for an 18 minute set, but I still had fun. I talked to the guitarist later in the night and he was really cool.

Animals as Leaders
Good instrumental metal band that sounds slightly similar to Pelican. The guitarist was playing an 8 string, I believe, and put on a good, relaxing set.

I watched this band from the bar upstairs. Most of it was mediocre, but some parts were fairly brutal

Decrepit Birth
Third time seeing them and they were pretty good. The best song by far was Prelude to the Apocalypse, but Polarity was cool too. I have no idea why they didn't play Solar Impulse, however. Anyways, Bill was really fun to watch live, and he even crowd surfed haha

Cephalic Carnage
Fifth time seeing them, and they delivered, as always. They played two new songs and they sounded great live, especially the grindcore song that was no more than a minute long.

I skipped Veil of Maya

The Red Chord
Last time I saw this band years ago they were pretty cool, but on this day they fucking sucked. I watched them for their first two songs, but my friends and I ended up going upstairs to the bar, as far away as possible. We still could hear them well and see them on the TV screen, but they were by far the worst band of the night. Just too hardcore than on CD

All Shall Perish
Basically just as brutal live as last time, like ten times more brutal than on CD. However, towards the middle of the set, the vocalist introduced some jackass on stage that was supposed to (violently) push off crowd surfers because "we aren't supposed to be on their stage". What a fucking douch bag

The Faceless
Third and best time seeing this band, but still nothing exceptional

Fourth and second best time seeing this band. The new vocalist is still shouty like Covan, unfortunately, but his voice his much stronger and his high screams are great. While Covan had a darker stage presence, the new guy is more energetic. Unfortunately they didn't play Three-Dimensional Defect, but they still played some awesome shit like Mother War, Winds of Creation, Visual Delusion, and of course, Spheres of Madness.
25.08.2010 - 06:48
Thankfully with the past of the years more bands are coming to Venezuela, this year i have being in :

Gamma Ray
Exodus + Kreator

And already have my tickets to Lamb of God, Sonata Arctica and Tankard
30.08.2010 - 06:04
Lactation Cnslt
Arkaik and Flesh Consumed

Both were good, and all of the 7 people in the audience seemed to enjoy them xD
30.08.2010 - 20:54
Well my metal filled August has finally come to again. Anyways these are the last 3 shows I went to in the past week

Some Hardcore bands

Needless to say they weren't very good

First time seeing them. They were a a decent death metal band, not very interesting but I must say, the vocalist had quite the range

Sacred Seed
I wasn't familiar with them beforehand. They're a decent local black metal who were enjoyable, certainly better than most of the other local bands I've seen

Neuraxis are one of the best Canadian Death Metal bands out there, and they certainly showed us why, putting on a hell of a performance. They played a good mixture of old songs and new.

Concert 2

Another band I wasn't familiar with but I must say they were quite enjoyable. They played some good old Black 'N' Roll.

Cardiac Arrest

Again, yet another band I was unfamiliar with but they impressed me. Nice solid Death Metal that came across as fairly Thrashy in parts.

Destroyer 666

I was so damn excited for them. After a length sound check they made their way on to stage and it all went from there. They certainly didn't disappoint either.


Good but that's about it. There were mixed reactions from the crowd, plenty of people were really into it and it also seemed like a lot of people were uninterested. Their drummer however is a beast.

Concert 3

System Divide
Consisted of Sven from Aborted and ex-Orphaned Land member Miri Milman. I only realized this after the fact Certainly more interesting than the other openers that's for sure.

They put on a great performance. Sven is quite the vocalist, plenty of energy. The best thing was the wall of death, this is the first time in person that i've actually witnessed one

The moment I was anxiously awaiting. I've had multiple chances to see Augury but was unable to. They were every bit as good as I hoped they would be, they certainly delivered with technicality and precision.
My music blog - Updated regularly.
To live is to think - Cicero
12.09.2010 - 07:45
I am fortunate in the fact that by what I do for my website that I see a lot of shows in the NYC area. We sure do get a lot of them which keeps this passion of mine very busy. The last few that I saw are as follows:

Katatonia with Swallow The Sun, Orphaned Land and Gwynbleidd
Exodus with Malevolent Creation and Holy Grail
KISSNation - a Tribute to KISS
Volbeat with Dommin and The Sleeping.
American Carnage with Slayer, Megadeth and Testament

Of course seeing these all lined up reminds me that I best get to some reviews LOL.
Ken Pierce - Editor In Chief

12.09.2010 - 18:31
Written by PiercingMetal on 12.09.2010 at 07:45

Katatonia with Swallow The Sun, Orphaned Land and Gwynbleidd

I was just at that show myself. All the bands were fantastic (really wished OL and STS played more - Swallow seemed confused about their lack of time. Met Kobi and Uri from Orphaned Land after the show, nice guys.

Next up is Epica at the Grammercy.
Neurosis and Metal since '87
13.09.2010 - 01:03
I just saw Iced Earth two days ago, and Leaves' Eyes/Blackguard yesterday. It was an excellent weekend. Iced Earth was opened by Sons Of Liberty, with plenty of political ranting by Jon, who played for about 40 minutes. Then Iced Earth took the stage and opened with Burning Times that shifted immediately into Declaration Day. Matt Barlow can do everything the Ripper did and more. Iced Earth played for two brutal hours, with songs like Pure Evil and Disciples Of The Lie making my first metal show ever absolutely amazing.

Blackguard was a fun band. I know a lot of people hate their guts, but I can't see why. So what if they tour with EVERYBODY. Its how they make their living. And they have an excellent stage show, a lot of vibrant energy. I got spat on, had a guitar shoved in my face, and their bassist tried to have me play his instrument once... I was so confused though and it didn't work out. Leaves' Eyes was not as good, they had excellent music but the band seemed exhausted from ProgPower and they didn't have any witty banter between songs.
17.09.2010 - 21:52
Account deleted
The best rock/metal pub in Bergen celebrated 20 years, so I went to see Enslaved and Krakow. Both bands played only a couple of songs. Got very impressed by Krakow.
14.10.2010 - 21:47
Lactation Cnslt
I saw Immolation and Pathology again the other night. Immolation was great as always and Pathology performed with temporary vocalist James Lee (ex-Origin), so that was cool. Unfortunately, I got too drunk and missed Vader, but I heard that James did vocals during one song. It was cool hanging out with the guitarist and drummer of Pathology all night - I got the guitarist drunk as fuck haha.
16.10.2010 - 03:50
SLAYER, MEGADETH and ANTHRAX last night! The show went without a hitch. All three bands were on their game. SLAYER was completely brutal!

I saw Megadeth in March headlining their own 25th Anniversary Rust In Peace tour, but IMO they sounded better last night.

Everyone should try to see this show. You won't be disappointed if you're a fan of the originals.
War Is The Answer!
16.10.2010 - 10:50
Last show I attended was Dark Tranquillity in Corroios. It was like two weeks ago. And this was the first time I saw these legends. At least they are for me because of their longevity and what they mean to me.

A lot of people complain about the fact that they played a lot of new songs. Well, I don't. I like the new album, although my favourite songs on the album are not the ones they have been playing live. All of them work really well in a live environment though. Probably the highlight for me was when they played "One Thought" and "Lost to Apathy", Character is my favourite album. Other highlights for me were the Damage Done songs and The Gallery songs. "Haven", "Icipher", "Misery's Crown" and "Terminus" were also a lot of fun. Basically, I enjoyed the whole show, they are a ball of energy and it showed. I had probably the most fun I had ever at a show and I was so exhausted in the end that in the next few days I couldn't move my neck properly. Don't regret it at all.

I hope I can see them really really soon as they promised they would come back to Portugal. Hopefully on their next european tour or possibly Sonisphere in Portugal next summer. I know I will certainly remember the first time I saw Dark Tranquillity, one of my favourite bands of all time, as part of something special.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29

Like you could kiss my ass.

My Instagram
16.10.2010 - 13:43
Koen Smits
3 weeks ago: Watain and Destroyer666. What a show! It was on a sunday and I didn't thought there would be a lot of people, but was I mistaken! The venue was packed. Destroyer666 played first and I loved their show. The guitar sound was exactly the same as on their studio releases. Awesome!
I went in front and was 2 meters away from the incredible Shrapnel. I like their "we don't give a fuck about anything" attitude.
Most people came for Watain and they didn't dissapoint. Nice showeffects and very good performance. Their frontman is crazy as shit though. A week after the show I heard from a good source that he went totally nuts after the gig drinking and playing with blood and stuff. During the show he put his hand through the fire on stage...
Good performance but due to the big crowd I wasn't able to get in front. I was standing near the bar off course At the and I was very drunk but it was a very nice evening.
Also bought a Watain longsleeve and sweater.
RIP: Frank Vandenbroucke (6 nov 1974 - 12 oct 2009)

Written by Bad English on 05.04.2014 at 15:05

but spoil thius film is like spoil porn and say porn ends whit cum shot ...
18.10.2010 - 22:20
Koen Smits
Last weekend I went to a festival with some local bands.
We were there at 8pm just in time to see the Crimson Falls show. We know these guys and that's also the only reason we went there. Afterwards came a punkrock band. It was ok.
Last show we saw was a mix of punk, hardcore, all kinds of metal with power metal vocals.
Couldn't stand it at all so we went somewhere else to party.
RIP: Frank Vandenbroucke (6 nov 1974 - 12 oct 2009)

Written by Bad English on 05.04.2014 at 15:05

but spoil thius film is like spoil porn and say porn ends whit cum shot ...
18.10.2010 - 23:58
Account deleted
I saw Metallica at Rod Laver Arena a few weeks, along with some support bands, Fear Factory and The Sword. The Sword were ok, Fear Factory were epic, and Metallica was completely awesome. The light shows and flames and everything were amazing.
19.10.2010 - 07:58
Underpaid M.D.
Lacrimosa 20th Anniversary Tour, the first show in Mexico City. Damn! It was fucking awesome, probably the greatest gig of this year, even greater than Megadeth, Sacred Reich and Diablo Swing Orchestra.
"Les vers savent qu'ils n'ont pas d'ailes, c'est pour cela qu'ils se cachent sous terre"
26.10.2010 - 00:44
Iron Maiden at Sonisphere!
The Wicker Man
Ghost Of The Navigator
El Dorado
Dance Of Death
The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg
These Colours Don't Run
Blood Brothers
Wildest Dreams
No More Lies
Brave New World
Fear Of The Dark
Iron Maiden

The Number of the Beast
Hallowed Be Thy Name
Running Free

Most recent Lacuna Coil
To The Edge
Fragments of Faith
Tight Rope
What I See
Within Me
The Game
Heaven's A Lie
Daylight Dancer
Enjoy The Silence
(Depeche Mode cover)
I Won't Tell You
Our Truth
29.10.2010 - 21:29
I was at a concert on Tuesday and Wednesday, they were both pretty good.

The Vision Bleak

The Vision Bleak isn't really my thing, but they put on a damn good show live, I give em' that. Besides, I have to support Thelemnar and his tour Dudes.

On the other hand, AHAB was fucking great! Everything was perfect, the music, the lighting, the sound. I think I even jizzed in my pants a bit. OLD THUNDER!


Enthroned was boring as fuck and Shining rocked the joint as usual. Kvarforth may be a ludicrious idiot, but he makes some damn good music. They played two new songs as well. One sounded like it was called ''Many Quacks''. I'll have to check out the titles to figure that one out. Anyways, both great shows!
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
29.10.2010 - 22:10
Lactation Cnslt
California Blood Tour

Openers were a little lame: Burning the Masses, Knights of the Abyss, Son of Aurelius

I can't even describe how brutal these guys were - basically just as brutal live as on CD. They played for about 35 minutes and included songs such as Choking on Bile, Fucked to Death, Serial Cocksucker, Masturbating at the Slab (I think), Fed to the Pigs, plus more. I talked to Jewski too for a minute and he's a nice guy.

Cattle Decapitation
Out of all five or six times I've seen this band, last night's show was the best. Travis was funnier than ever, constantly spitting in the air and catching it . Gotta love his facial expressions too xD . My favorite songs were the ones from Harvest Floor that they played, and their new drummer juiced up their older songs. They did an encore as well, but unfortunately they were trying to be funny and decided to play The Decapitation of Cattle and Recapitation, which are only two seconds long.
03.11.2010 - 16:05
Nevermore - Jeff Loomis is to fucking good for words and Warrell Dane was less drunk then less time so he didn't fuck anything up. They played everything I wanted hear... which is odd because that never happens. Also Blackguard and Warbringer played they we're both alright i prefered blackguard when they had a violin player and were called profugus mortis.
04.11.2010 - 11:46
The last waaas.... Sonata Arctica, fucking awesome concert and i hope to attend to Rhapsody of Fire this Nov. 18th. yeaaaaaaah \m/
No Olvides que la Verdad nos dara la Libertad
10.11.2010 - 01:14
So yesterday I saw WASP....

I was there too late to see the opening band but didn't care. Then started playing Shadow-something (rain?fall?). They sounded ok for melodic powermetal except their keyboard player was missing. Nothing special.

Soon after came Blackie, and it was one fun show ! Played most of the classics, sound was great and stage performance was cool. Only bad thing: too short ! I think they played 12 or 13 songs in little more than an hour... and no Harder,Faster

But overall, great night it was !
10.11.2010 - 01:23
Written by Endoftherainbow on 03.11.2010 at 16:05

Nevermore - Jeff Loomis is to fucking good for words and Warrell Dane was less drunk then less time so he didn't fuck anything up. They played everything I wanted hear... which is odd because that never happens. Also Blackguard and Warbringer played they we're both alright i prefered blackguard when they had a violin player and were called profugus mortis.

I saw Profugus Mortis in Toronto when they opened for Moonsorrow in 2006 or 2007...I can't remember when. They were definitely better back than. Plus the violin player was a hot girl if I remember correctly lol.

Thanks to Corrupt for these banners!
10.11.2010 - 01:26
I haven't been to a concert in over a year! Symphony X was the last one I went to I think. The problem for me is/was that I don't have anyone to go with since none of my friends really listen to the same music as me (for the most part) and I never had access to a going to Toronto for a concert and then trying to get home would be almost impossible. Luckily I have access to a car (my mom's savin up for my own!...I dont like sharing lol ) so now maybe I'll go...eventually.

Thanks to Corrupt for these banners!
10.11.2010 - 01:33
I saw this friday my first concert of Blind Guardian, i am still totally excited. One of the best concerts i've seen in my life, this gig will always be special to me, always will be in my heart, bards... thanks

Here my impressions, .
11.11.2010 - 23:32
Valentin B
This tuesday night i went to the WASP show in Madrid. the concert was great and all, but only one problem: it ended way too soon, playing just 75 minutes or so.

at least they proved once again they are one of the best live bands in the scene today.
13.11.2010 - 11:34
With a lowercase c
Written by Endoftherainbow on 03.11.2010 at 16:05

Nevermore - Jeff Loomis is to fucking good for words and Warrell Dane was less drunk then less time so he didn't fuck anything up.

As far as I know, the guy quit drinking alltogether. René from Mercenary told me a story once where he met Warrel Dane backstage during some festival at a bar, drinking soda. He went to him all "Warrel Dane man, we're gonna party all night" with beer in hand and Warrel's sole response was "yeah, fuck you!". He said he's been trying to meet him again ever since to make up for it

My last concert was Ghost Brigade, Orphaned Land and Amorphis on 7th of November.
Ghost Brigade were pretty boring. Musically good, and I think I could've liked them had I known a song or two. But that night they didn't spark.
Orphaned Land also played a little below their capabilities. Kobi still makes the same jokes at every show and I've seen them play better sets too. They played an OK set of only songs from Mabool and ORwarriOR. The mandatory Sapari and Norra El Norra but no Halo Dies and no Mabool.
Amorphis were truly great though. They played some of the good stuff from Skyforger in the beginning and after that went on a tour of their classics with a nice selection of songs and a few surprises:

Sky Is Mine
From the Heaven of My Heart
Better Unborn
Silent Waters
Song of the Troubled One
Exile of the Sons of Uisliu
The Smoke
My Sun
Silver Bride
Black Winter Day
Into Hiding
House Of Sleep
My Kantele