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Your Best Live Experiences

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Posted by Warman, 26.01.2007 - 11:34
There is often something during a live show which just blew your mind. It can be a song you didn't expect the band to play, it can be a song you expected but the band played it way better than you thought they would, awesome solos between the songs, a band member doing something on stage just hillarious... Share these moments with us!
15.07.2007 - 05:04
Angra, it was so fun, i didnt know their lyrics, so i started to Wachu Wachu (this is when you dont know the lyrics, but you sing nonsense stuf), every one was singing and jumping, beside it was on a decent place, not the fucking Circo Volador.
Hasta la victoria, siempre!
Until victory, always!
15.07.2007 - 07:04
Kap'N Korrupt
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Written by Fhuesc on 15.07.2007 at 05:04

i didnt know their lyrics, so i started to Wachu Wachu (this is when you dont know the lyrics, but you sing nonsense stuf)

Bwahahaha I do that a lot at shows...mouth lyrics when I don't even know what they are but I still wanna be into the band as much as everyone else is around me so I pretend to know why lyrics and rock out anyway...
15.07.2007 - 16:27
The Sasquatch
Written by Fhuesc on 15.07.2007 at 05:04

Angra, it was so fun, i didnt know their lyrics, so i started to Wachu Wachu (this is when you dont know the lyrics, but you sing nonsense stuf), every one was singing and jumping, beside it was on a decent place, not the fucking Circo Volador.

Was it with Edu? Because I heard Angra is not that good live with him
16.07.2007 - 04:15
@4look4rd: yes it was on the Temple Of Shadows Tour, i dont know if with Andre was better, i never saw a show with Andre, but Edu they sound good
Hasta la victoria, siempre!
Until victory, always!
23.07.2007 - 02:16
well its not my best live experince but its still odd, i was right at the barrier for motorhead and when their concert finsihed the drummer threw the drum stick at me! he looked at me gave me a horrible look then just threw it straight at me, like he wanted me dead or something. my best live experience was when i went to see ac/dc and angus young dissaperd off stage only to come up playing in the crowd now that was cool, and there was the last B-O-A when turisas stripped off and hit each other with twigs in a hot tub on stage, that was just strange!
'I'd rather die than go to heaven' - Murderface
03.08.2007 - 16:12
The Sorcerer
my best live experience was this year when i finally saw Blind Guardian live on Metal Camp. It was perfect the whole show, especially when they played the Bards song. .......... and also i have to mention great show in Venice with Slayer and Iron Maiden.
03.08.2007 - 18:26
Erotic Stains
I have to add Metallica a month ago. During the outro of Fade to Black they did some improvised solos and the whole audience held their breath... and they start to play Master of Puppets and everybody "YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH"!!! Stunning.
03.08.2007 - 23:59
Best live performance goes to Gigantour 2 in Toronto, Canada. I was right at the bar, i got to have Angela/Michael from Arch Enemy basically right in my face. Then i had one of my favorite bands, Lamb of God play an unforgettable set, with Randy and Willie in my face basically the whole time. Then of course came Megadeth. Dave ripped a Hanger 18 solo two meters away and was basically looking right at me when he did it. Dave also threw his guitar at his guitar tech that night. I was so close to all the bands that night. Willie Adler from LOG took the prize though, he was so intense and it almost seemed like he was playing to me and my buds all night. He gave us a lot of attention. By far, the best concert i've seen (Metallica for my first concert ever is a close second).:banger:
Brother will kill brother, Spilling blood across the land, Killing for religion, Something I don't understand
09.12.2007 - 21:35
It was pretty cool when Randy blythe from lamb of god came on stage with Gojira and performed a song with them and when lamb of god played later that night gojiras Joseph Duplantier came on stage with lamb of god and sang redneck with them..
They both did well:)
This was in Norway this summer at "Hove Festival"
You found god? If nobody claims him in thirty days, he's yours

Walk with me in hell
10.12.2007 - 11:28
Account deleted
My best live performance has been Opeth at Graspop in 2006. Damn did they rock! My whole body was beaten after the gig and I never quite so enjoyed a set of music as at that moment! Props to Opeth!
11.12.2007 - 22:55
Account deleted
Slayer... it was great, not the best setlist and ofcourse stupid fans going there as well
local shows pwn as well.
11.12.2007 - 23:24
slayer, metallica and surprisingly enough wednesday 13
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29

Like you could kiss my ass.

My Instagram
11.12.2007 - 23:55
Nightwish, Antimatter and Vic Anselmo and Leaves Eyes as well....loved these gigs.....
16.01.2008 - 07:21
Ill Info Liquid
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Ummm...There were two...I liked them both

My 2nd Favorite had to be Misery Index, Graveworm, Grave, Cannible Corpse, and then Venom
My all-time Fav. was Helltrash (Eh...) Combichrist, Ministry, and KMFDM...
16.01.2008 - 14:23
For me it was definately Metallica, they were way better than I had expected.

Also, Blind Guardian and Sodom were pretty good at Wacken.
17.01.2008 - 22:23
Account deleted
for me, rammstein on the reise, reise tour.
&manowar at magic circle last year... that was incredible
18.01.2008 - 01:28
Sonic MrSumo
Tool, back in 2002 on the back of their Lateralus release.

They played at the Sydney Entertainment Centre. The had cool visuals going, and these 2 performance artists walking around like freaks. The sound was the best sound I've heard at any concert EVER!
All the bridges in the world won't save you, if there's no other side to cross to.
- Rock poetry from Silverchair.
25.01.2008 - 11:14
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Well, the GnR concert I went to last year, with Sebastian Bach opening. Apparently Sebastian Bach was actually filming, because I'm in his new music video for 'Love Is A Bitchslap', Im only in it for a fraction of a second in the middle of a huge crowd so its really hard to spot me but im there. That was a pretty cool "After-fact" live experience.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
25.01.2008 - 13:29
Valentin B
when at the Blind Guardian concert hansi said at one point "we've been having a debate.. we want to know what you people think, if there are gods up in valhalla or not..." the whole song i screamed like a maniac, but especially in the intro "HIGH IN THE SKY WHERE EAGLES FLY" and ofc at the end when all the crowd wanted to sing for another 4-5 minutes but hansi finally stopped us lol
28.01.2008 - 07:10
Metallica 1992
Slayer 1996 & 2000
Tool 2006 & 2007
Blue Oyster Cult 1997
10.000 Days In The Fire.......Is Long Enough
03.02.2008 - 22:37
When I saw Sonata Arctica for the first time last November in London, finally being able to actually sing along to my fave songs like Victoria's Secret and My Land was unbelievable!
03.02.2008 - 23:37
To Arms!
i really loved to see after forever and dream theater they were the best gigs ever
Stay Metal !!!
06.02.2008 - 16:03
Perpetual Ascent
The concerts that i liked the most were:

Leng Tch'e, they put a great show in that night. The vocal was always jumping and moving around and so the crowd.
Angelus Apatrida, discovered this band recently. Angelus Apatrida and Leng Tch'e gig was in the same night. Their last album is an excellent thrash metal piece!
06.02.2008 - 16:58
hmm...when i saw dreamtheter a couple of years ago, i didn't expect them to play the mirror, i was really excited when they started playing it, but when they began with lie...omg i was astonished...damn i love those songs...i actually was pretty disappointed too because they didn't play metropolis and glass prision but i hope they do this tour, if they come of course... of the best concerts i've ever been to is evergrey, the energy they transmitted was awesome, the music was supreme and those guys are very cool...i guess that's one of the best shows i've ever been, every song heard better than the one recorded on cd, i think couple bands can do that...
Live how you want just don't feed on me, if you doubt what I say I will make you believe...
07.02.2008 - 00:37
Fucked Upstairs.
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slayer. raped my neck, i was wasted as hell and almost couldn't make it to the train, which was 2 minutes away of the location! i was so fucked up, but it was one hell of a show, though the support band (mastodon) sucked as hell. other great gigs include unleashed, vader and of course, iron maiden.
07.02.2008 - 10:52
I got a couple of live experiences I won't forget so soon:
- Pink Floyd '94 on the Division Bell Tour. This was my first show and still is the best I've seen to this day. If you've ever seen them live or on DVD you understand why.

- AC DC '01 in Paris. The show was in the Stade de France in Paris. We had one hell of a trip to get there with my friends (I guess Jeff remembers it vividly ) and the show was amazing - parts of it are on the Plug Me In DVD. But there's one moment I remember more strongly than the rest of the show: on "The Jack" the band just stopped playing and let the crowd sing the chorus. Imagine 90.000 people screaming together in a stadium and you get the idea. Getting gooseflesh only thinking about it

- Anathema '06 at the infamous Metalliance Festival. Most bands pulled out of the line up because the organizer screwed them all and they didn't get paid. Anathema was headlining the second night, and they decided to play although they had been ripped off. And I don't think I've ever seen a band so angry. It was amazing seeing them giving their asses off just for the few people that were there. Certainly the best metal show I've seen.

- Then there was Slayer at Graspop 2005. Their show was not that awesome but it was my first time seeing them and I remember we were completely hammered with two friends headbanging like crazy and screaming along Araya in the middle of Slipknot fans (Slipknot were playing right after Slayer) who were watching us as if we were crazy. We had a blast

- Last thing worth mentioning: two shows I saw in 2007. Benighted in October, probably the craziest show I've seen with sometimes more people onstage than in the pit, and certainly the most intense 45 minutes of my life. Article here. And Apocalyptica in December. This one took me off-guard. I don't particularly like Apocalyptica on cd, I went there because I had a photo pass, but they blew me away big time. Artcile here

There would be much more to say because I've seen a fair share of concerts, but those are the most relevant experiences
07.02.2008 - 11:09
my sister and i went to a concert in 2005, and before the first band was done with their second song someone (who got a little too excited from slam-dancing) conveniently puked not even 5 feet from where we were standing.

there's nothing like watching a +250 lb. bouncer mopping up someone's previously digested food. especially when you have the opportunity to take pictures of him doing it for your own entertainment. :
07.02.2008 - 11:24
Pole Kitten
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Two for me i guess...

Muse playing at Earls Court in 2004 was fantastic. seeing them live, or even on You Tube, reminds me exactly why i love them so much. i know a lot of people love bands JUST for the music but seeing Muse play they actually entertain on a massive scale. we got standing tickets for it and felt so special because the arena floor wasn't anywhere near full although they'd obviously sold out. just being able to walk in and out whenever you wanted while everyone had to just go to their seats... hahaha i got hauled out half way through but to be honest it was part planned as we were so close to the front! Matt threw his guitar in the crowd and this massive guy grabbed it but i got to touch it before he did so wooo for me! haha anyway, got hauled out the front and straight towards the stage, ended up about this *demonstrates with fingers* close to touching him oooh *worship*

the second has to be at Hammersmith on the Motorhead tour. we were the only two on the guest list for the support act we'd made friends with CoZ, they had to fit us in apparently and they'd had to use up the other Motorhead spaces on ever so slightly more important industry people so they just created 2 more on their list haha. so we just walk straight in and up to the front while everyone else is rammed up against the glass doors waiting to go in! right up at the front barrier and got to see Gene Simmons up close along with a bunch of 13 years olds playing a song (you might know one of them now as Little Chris or whatever his name is! haha). follow that with an interval and Ian from Coz comes down into the crowd to find us, it was wicked when he'd gone and the guys behind us, having obviously spent the past 10 minutes working out whether to say something or not, taps me on the shoulder and goes "isn't that the guys from Coz?" "yep, that's Ian" "wow, you know him??" "yep" *turns back to the front* hahaha fucking fantastic! CoZ were amazing as always and anyone who hadn't seen them were knocked off their feet. Sepultura always kind of lost me back then but we stuck with it and of course Motorhead! i think knowing it was the last date of the tour actually made us crying when the started playing Whorehouse Blues. girls should be banned from metal concerts when they cry! haha top that lot off with heading straight upstairs to the VIP meet and greet area and drinking yet more JD and coke and you've got the perfect concert for me.
16.02.2008 - 15:20
Seeing MDB, and Stainthorpe announcing this was the first time they would ever play 'The Blue Lotus' live... goosebumps.

Siouxsie striding on stage after her latest album (first time I got to see her, mmmmmm) and opening with Israel.

Oh - and for pure amusement hearing some emo behind me at a Nightwish concert say in authoritative tones (when asked who the support was) 'some band called Tristania, they're quite new and some sort of Nightwish copy band). Guess my response, go on.
16.02.2008 - 18:04
Iron Maiden at Roskilde Festival in 2000 I think it was. Amazing show.

Mercenary at last years ProgPower Scandinavia was pretty good as well and my first experience with this great band.

Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep